䈰是上下,䈰的部首是“竹”,总笔画16画,䈰的笔画顺序是“ノ一丶ノ一丶一丨一丨丶ノ丨フ一一”。看看“䈰”字的笔画顺序和笔顺动画演示 >>
⒈ 用竹絲做成的刷鍋用具。
⒉ 同“”。
⒊ 盛筷子的器具。
a brush for washing kitchen utensils, a bamboo ware for holding rice used in ancient times, a basket for washing rice, a small bucket for chopsticks, (same as 梢) the tip of a branch or things of similar shape, the end of something, the rudder, (interchangeable 筲)