
standardize orthogonal

standardize orthogonal



1)standardize orthogonal,标准正交化2)standard,标准3)standards,标准4)standardization,标准5)criterion,标准6)criteria,标准

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The methods of matrix QR decompose have such as Householdor matrix transformation,matrix QR decompose formula,standardize orthogonal to matrix s row vector and row elementary transformation to matrix.矩阵的QR分解可利用Householder矩阵变换、矩阵QR分解公式、对矩阵的列向量进行标准正交化以及对矩阵进行列初等变换等方法进行。QzQ汉语字典

Study on the relation of the standards,quality and praduction of the chemical products;试论化工产品的标准、质量和生产的关系QzQ汉语字典

Discussion of Perfecting Standard System of Domestic Ecological Textiles;浅论我国生态纺织品标准体系的完善QzQ汉语字典

Acceptance standards and attention needing issues related to mining project construction;矿山建设项目竣工验收标准和应注意的问题QzQ汉语字典

Wrought aluminum sheet tolerance contrasts between foreign and Chinese standards;国内外变形板材标准尺寸偏差对比QzQ汉语字典

Review of management regulations and standards on food additives in the world;国内外食品添加剂管理法规与标准概述QzQ汉语字典

On the assessment methodology and standards for nutrition status in channel type reservoirs based on zoning of eutrophication sensitivity;河道型水库基于敏感性分区的营养状态标准与评价方法研究QzQ汉语字典

Review and prospect of China surfactant and detergent standardization Secretariat of China Surfactant and Detergent Standardization Technology Committee;中国表面活性剂和洗涤用品标准化回顾及展望QzQ汉语字典

Status and countermeasure of MEMS sensors standardization;MEMS传感器的标准化现状与发展对策QzQ汉语字典

Discussion of criterion on“the vacuum freeze-drying equipment for food”;关于食品真空冷冻干燥设备标准的探讨QzQ汉语字典

The classification and evaluation criterion of low permeability reservoir:An example from Ordos Basin;论低渗透储层的分类与评价标准——以鄂尔多斯盆地为例QzQ汉语字典

The necessity of establishing perfect criterion of fermented soy sauce,vinegar and blended soy sauce,vinegar;亟待制定酿造酱油、食醋和配制酱油、食醋统一的完善的标准(上)QzQ汉语字典

Several approach on criteria investigation of TCM pulses diagnosis;中医脉诊标准研究的若干探讨QzQ汉语字典

Discussion on Talent Criteria and University Students Qualifications;略论人才标准与大学生成才QzQ汉语字典

Study on manpower allocation criteria of center of disease prevention and control in the context of province level, city level and county level;我国疾(bìng)预防控制中心人力配置标准研究