
closed linear manifold

closed linear manifold



1)closed linear manifold,闭线性廖2)linear manifold,线性廖3)closed manifold,闭廖4)Linear closurs,线性闭包5)Liu/Liao,廖6)closed linear operators,闭线性算子

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The monarchies now left in Asia can be counted on the fingers of one hand.现在在亚洲的君主国已无几。OhR汉语字典

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In the land of Blind the one-eyed man is king蜀中无大将化作先锋OhR汉语字典

Hsieh, C. and Chen, C.* (2005).林宜瑾、胡家荣*、柏森(2004)。OhR汉语字典

The experienced personnel, enlisted and officers alike, were a sparse lot.有经验的老手,无论官也好兵也好,都无几。OhR汉语字典

I used to have many men friends but there are fewer now that I'm past my bloom.我曾有许多男性朋友,但现已无几,我开始走下坡路了。OhR汉语字典

A trader went to a town to sell fish bowls. Though his goods were well-made with elegant shapes, they sold poorly.商人到小镇去推销鱼缸,尽管鱼缸做工精细造型精巧,但问津者OhR汉语字典

Baglioni has a kind of preference for water since birth.尼生来对水就有一种偏爱。OhR汉语字典

Did you ever hear anything so quaint?这样荒的话,你以前听过没有?OhR汉语字典

Lei D-L, Yang DL and Liu HM.雷德亮,丽民,楚亚平,刘湘梅。OhR汉语字典

On the Piano-performing of Liao Sheng Jing s "Twenty-four Piano Preludes";试论胜京钢琴前奏曲二十四首OhR汉语字典

Liao Chengzhi and Ikeda Daisaku in Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between China and Japan;承志、池田大作与中日邦交正常化OhR汉语字典

Discusses on Some Issues in Contemporary Chinese II by HUANG & LIAO;本现代汉语(下册)若干问题商榷OhR汉语字典

On the Misinterpretation of Lu Xun: A Case Study of a Dispute on “Head Down”;同室操戈——谈沫沙对鲁迅的误读OhR汉语字典

Evaluation and Analysis on Modern Chinese by Huang and Liao;黄、本现代汉语(增订三版上册)评析OhR汉语字典

Three impressions of Liao Yan s Ershiqisongtangwenji;读清初燕二十七松堂文集三题OhR汉语字典

Several Phrasal Mistakes Concerning "Modern Chinese" Compiled by Huang and Liao;关于黄本现代汉语短语的几个问题OhR汉语字典