
closed term

closed term



closed term

1)closed term,闭项2)Closed itemset lattice,闭项集格3)closed itemsets,闭合项集4)closed itemset,闭项集5)frequent closed item-set,频繁闭项集6)frequent closed itemset,频繁闭项集

汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供闭项的英文是closed term,closed term的意思,closed term是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询closed term缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考


Then based on the improved FP-tree a frequent closed itemsets mining algorithm is provided to improve the effectiveness of mining frequent close itemsets.在经典的频繁闭合项集挖掘算法中,如Closet与Closet+,当条件模式数据库很庞大时,频繁项集的数目将会急剧增长,算法的效率会逐步恶化,并且算法挖掘结果的有效性也随着大量冗余模式的产生而下降。kNC汉语字典

To solve this problem,an algorithm for mining non-redundant association rules based on closed itemset is proposed.针对关联规则挖掘中存在的规则数量过多,难于理解和应用的问题,提出了一种基于闭项集的无冗余关联规则挖掘算法。kNC汉语字典

It is found in recent studies that concept lattice can be used to solve the problem of incremental frequent closed item-set mining.近年的研究表明,概念格可以应用于解决频繁闭项集的挖掘问题。kNC汉语字典

Mining frequent closed itemsets in unidirectional FP-tree;在单向FP-tree上挖掘频繁闭项kNC汉语字典

The set of frequent closed itemsets determines exactly the complete set of all frequent itemsets and is usually much smaller than the latter.频繁闭项集惟一确定频繁项集且规模小得多,但挖掘频繁闭项集仍是很费时的。kNC汉语字典

Therefore,mining frequent closed itemsets in data streams becomes a new important problem in recent years,where algorithm Moment was regarded as a typical method of them.因此,近年来人们开始关注在数据流中挖掘频繁闭项集,其中一个典型的工作就是Moment算法。kNC汉语字典

This event is called before closing the item inspector.闭项目检查器前,调用此事件。kNC汉语字典

Study on Associative Classification Based on Closed Frequent Itemsets基于频繁闭项集的关联分类算法研究kNC汉语字典

The project cannot be closed while a test is running. Do you want to stop the test?运行测试时无法关闭项目。要停止测试吗?kNC汉语字典

Turn the following options on or off, according to your preference.根据首选项,打开或关闭下列选项。kNC汉语字典

{The referenced project cannot be closed.}This project is currently referenced by another project and cannot be closed.{无法关闭被引用到的项目。}此项目当前被其他项目引用,无法关闭。kNC汉语字典

Close button affects active tab only只有“关闭”按钮影响活动选项卡kNC汉语字典

The project cannot be closed until the current operation has completed.当前操作完成之后,才能关闭该项目。kNC汉语字典

Occurs just before closing a Solution/Project.恰好在关闭解决方案/项目前发生。kNC汉语字典

// Close any in-place active item on this view.// 关闭此视图中的任何就地活动项。kNC汉语字典

Please close property sheet before deleting this item.请在删除此项目之前关闭属性页。kNC汉语字典

The discussion of the probabilities of pascal distribution;负二项分布及条件概率封闭性的研究kNC汉语字典

A New Algorithm for Mining Closed Frequent Itemsets Based on ESEquivPS一种基于ESEquivPS的封闭频繁项集挖掘算法kNC汉语字典

There is not eought memory to open file "%1" Close your project, close other programs, and then try again.内存不足,无法打开文件 "%1"。请关闭您的项目,关闭其它程序,然后重试。kNC汉语字典

An attachment is open and could not be closed. Close either the source application or the item containing the attachment.有一附件处于打开状态,无法关闭。请关闭源应用程序或关闭包含该附件的项目。kNC汉语字典

This document is the source for the currently open database model project. If you want to close this document, the project will also be closed. Continue?此文档是当前打开数据库模型项目的源。如果要关闭此文档,同时也将关闭该项目。是否继续?kNC汉语字典

Inserts an empty frame or encloses the selected item in a frame插入空图文框或将选定项封闭在图文框中kNC汉语字典

Would you like to save and close the Display Properties and view the Folder Options instead?是否保存并关闭“显示属性”而查看“文件夹选项”?kNC汉语字典

You must close the property page for this item before you can delete it.在删除项目前您必须先关闭它的属性对话框。kNC汉语字典