
essentially bounded

essentially bounded



1)essentially bounded,本质有界的2)essentially bounded functions,本质有界函数3)Essence of Virtual World,虚拟世界的本质4)essentially bounded and continuous function,本质有界连续函数5)Essence of proprietorship,所有权的本质6)the Hominine Essence of Nature,自然界的人的本质

汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供本质有界的的英文是essentially bounded,essentially bounded的意思,essentially bounded是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询essentially bounded缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考


The statement of the Hominine Essence of Nature discussed twice in The Manuscript of Political Economy in 1844 by Marx contains a kind of deep thinking about the relationship between man and nature,which can be viewed as the important point of ontology of creation and of eco-notion of humanism in Marxism.马克思在1844年经济学哲学手稿中两次论及的“自然界的人的本质”这个命题,包含着对人与自然界相互关系的极其深刻的思考,是马克思主义的生成本体论和人本生态观中极其重要的观点。J4y汉语字典

Conflict and Harmonization between Virtual Reality and Reality:Essential Characteristics of Virtual World with Ethical Considering;虚拟与现实的冲突及融合——虚拟世界的本质、特征及其伦理考量J4y汉语字典

Nearly true though not true:A mistranslation case of "virtual;“虚拟世界”果真是“虚”的吗——Virtual意义虚实辨J4y汉语字典

Research on the Construction Method of Virtual Human in 3D Virtual World三维虚拟世界中虚拟人物的构建方法研究J4y汉语字典

But the virtual world has its ethical rules too.但是虚拟世界也有自己的道德准则。J4y汉语字典

The Bad Influence of Internet Imaginary to the Juvenile;网络虚拟世界对未成年人的负面影响J4y汉语字典

On the Philosophical Meanings of "Virtual Technology"--Based on the Analysis of Karl.Poppers Theree Worlds Theory ;“虚拟技术”"在“三个世界”中的位置J4y汉语字典

User Experience Design Research under 3D Virtual World三维虚拟世界下的用户体验设计研究J4y汉语字典

The Application of the Virtual World in Library Services虚拟世界在图书馆服务中的应用研究J4y汉语字典

Political Participation in the Virtual World: Problems and Solutions虚拟世界中的政治参与:问题与消解J4y汉语字典

Differentiation and Analysis of the Deciding Factors of World Economic Situation in the "Fictitious Capitalism" Era;“虚拟资本主义”时代世界经济格局决定因素辨析J4y汉语字典

Digital Wealth of Virtue Enterprises with Analysis of Nature and Definition of Digital Property Right;虚拟企业数字化财富与数字化产权的本质和界定J4y汉语字典

A prototype virtual keyboard will soon be on the market.一种基本型的虚拟键盘即将问世。J4y汉语字典

On the philosophical thoughts on virtual capital and "three elements of capital" philosophy speculation--On the reflection of the philosophy of Carl Popper s "World 3" in economics;虚拟资本与“资本三要素”的哲学思辨——兼论波普“世界3”哲学在经济学中的映射J4y汉语字典

The Conflict of Pace Between a Virtual and a Real World:Experience from Internet-marketing and Net-consumption;“虚拟世界”与“真实世界”的速度之争——以网络营销及网络消费为例J4y汉语字典

On Popper s World 3 and the Virtual World;波普尔的世界3和虚拟世界——兼与张之沧先生商榷J4y汉语字典

The Design and Implementation of Virtual World Co-Operation Platform with SOA;基于SOA的虚拟世界交互平台的设计与实现J4y汉语字典

Research of Teacher Education Practice Based on the SecondLife Virtual World基于SecondLife虚拟世界的教师教育实践的研究J4y汉语字典

On the public network increasingly popular virtual world thinking关于大众日益青睐的网络虚拟世界的思考J4y汉语字典