
closed solid sphere

closed solid sphere



1)closed solid sphere,闭实心球2)centre of solid sphere,实心球心3)Solid steel ball,实心钢球4)medicine ball,实心球5)solid and spherical TiO_2,实心球形TiO_26)pendulous solid ball,吊式实心球

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It is found that the average score of Junior Three girls in throwing medicine ball is 12.对新疆克拉玛依五中76对男女学生的球和实心球测试中发现,初三女生掷实心球平均得分高于推球12。sBB汉语字典

He is good at medicine ball throwing.他擅长投健身实心球sBB汉语字典

They can throw the medicine ball very far.他们能把健身实心球掷得很远。sBB汉语字典

He's going to take part in medicine ball throwing and the Long jump.他想参加投实心球和跳远。sBB汉语字典

He's going to take part in medicine ball throwing and the 400m race.他想参加投实心球和400米赛跑。sBB汉语字典

How to Raise the Results of Throwing Medicine Ball;如何提高体育锻炼标准的实心球投掷成绩sBB汉语字典

A tennis ball is hollow,but a base ball is solid.网球是空心的,但棒球是实心的。sBB汉语字典

medicine ball(锻练身体用的)实心皮球sBB汉语字典

Psychological training in tennis teaching;网球教学中实施心理训练的实验研究sBB汉语字典

Researches on Young Soccer Player s Psychological Stabilityin Penalty Kicks;青少年足球运动员罚点球心理稳定性实验研究sBB汉语字典

A Experimental Research of Core Strength Training for Tennis Players网球运动员核心力量训练实验性研究sBB汉语字典

The practical application of hollow steel ball, solid bolt ball and mine bolt ball to architectural engineering is introduced in this article.介绍空心钢球、实心螺栓球体和水雷式螺栓球体在建筑工程中的实际应用sBB汉语字典

Some results of laboratory experiments on batch centrifugal ball milling关于离心球磨机实验室批次实验的一些结果sBB汉语字典

Basketball to Educate Affectionately and Mentally;篮球课实施情感、心理健康教学的实验研究sBB汉语字典

Psychological Analysis and Demonstration about Home Advantage in Soccer;足球与主场效应的心理学分析及实证研究sBB汉语字典

Research on Psychological Training Before Competition on Throw Sportsmen of Callan;青少年链球运动员赛前心理训练实验研究sBB汉语字典

An Experimental Study on the "Choking " Psychological Mechanism of Adolescent Basketball Players;青少年篮球运动员“Choking”心理机制的实验研究sBB汉语字典

Experimental Intervention of Basketball and Aerobics on College Students Mental Health;篮球、健美操对大学生心理健康的实验干预sBB汉语字典

Experimental Research on Optimizing Psychological Environment in Ping-pong Class;优化公体乒乓球教学心理环境的实验性研究sBB汉语字典