
closed orbit

closed orbit



1)closed orbit,闭轨道2)closed orbit,闭合轨道3)closed orbits,闭合轨道4)closeness of orbit,轨道封闭性5)positive orbit closure,正轨道闭包6)closed-orbit theory,闭合轨道理论

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Using semiclassical closed orbit theory, we analyze the chaotic phenomena of the classical trajectories of an electron in strong electric and magnetic fields.利用半经典闭合轨道理论 ,对电子在强电场和磁场中的运动轨道的混沌现象进行了分析 ,该理论具有物理图象清晰、应用范围广的优点。Xjy汉语字典

In electron storage ring, the distortion of closed orbit and dispersion, due to inaccuracies of magnets manufacture and misalignment, will cause a series of negative effects, such as tune-shift, distortion of optic function, decrease of dynamic aperture, and decrease of luminance et al.电子储存环中,由磁元件制造误差和安装误差导致的闭合轨道和色散函数的畸变,通常会引起一系列的负面效应,介绍了以合肥光源储存环为模型,用响应矩阵的奇值分解法对闭合轨道和色散函数进行校正的可行性研究结果。Xjy汉语字典

This article discusses under what starting conditions a closed orbit can be obtained with-in the circular orbit in elastic force-field when the mass point df motion is acted on by theradial perturbation.本文讨论弹性力场中,园形轨道上运动的质点受径向微扰后,在什么样的起动条件下才能够得到闭合轨道。Xjy汉语字典

By integrating the Hamiltonian caonical equation,we calculate all the closed orbits with d=2 000,n=25.采用闭合轨道理论研究了近属表面里德堡氢原子的动力学性质,讨论了氢原子电子的运动性质随原子与属表面距离d变化的情况。Xjy汉语字典

By using the classical Hamilton canonicl equation,the semiclassical closed orbits are obtained,which make it possible to calculate the molecular recurrence spectra.利用哈密顿量的经典正则方程,我们还得到各通道的经典闭合轨道,从而为NO分子回归谱的计算做好准备。Xjy汉语字典

It is shown that for a particle with suitable angular momenta in the screened Coulomb potential or isotropic harmonic potential, there still exists closed orbits rather than ellipse, characterized by the conserved perihelion and aphelion vectors, i.研究表明 ,保证经典轨道具有封闭性的 Bertrand定理可以进一步推广 ,在适当的角动量下 ,仍存在着非椭圆的闭合轨道 。Xjy汉语字典

Application of closed-orbit theory to the spontaneous emission of an atom in the vicinity of a mirror;光子闭合轨道理论对单镜面附近原子自发辐射率的解释(英文)Xjy汉语字典

01 in accordance with the closed-orbit theory and spatial-splitting consistent method.利用包括实散射的闭合轨道理论和分区自洽迭代的计算方法,研究了在标度能量~ε=-0。Xjy汉语字典

In order to explain the behavior of oscillations,the closed-orbit theory has been extended to the classical geometric trajectories of emission photon,and the frequencies of the closed orbits of photons are extracted by Fourier transform.引入标度变量,采用腔量子电动力学方法计算了原子的自发辐射率,并用闭合轨道理论对结果进行分析:由于介质界面的影响,光子经界面反射后返回到辐射原子上,并与出射的光子相干,辐射率呈现出拟周期的阻尼振荡;通过Fourier变换抽取振荡频率,每一频率对应一条光子经典轨迹的作用量,从而给出了夹层空腔对激发态原子自发辐射率的影响的新解释。Xjy汉语字典

Closed Orbits of the Hydrogen Molecular Ion within BOA绝热近似下氢分子离子的闭轨道(英文)Xjy汉语字典

track circuit permissive block有轨道电路的容许闭塞Xjy汉语字典

Electron Equilibrium Orbit Adjustment and Closed Orbit Correction in Hefei Electron Storage Ring合肥储存环电子束平衡轨道的调整及闭轨校正Xjy汉语字典

Latching Analysis of DC Disconnectors in Urban Rail Transit城市轨道交通直流隔离开关闭锁分析Xjy汉语字典

The foundation of automatic block and cab signal is track ciruit.自动闭塞和机车信号的基础是轨道电路。Xjy汉语字典

UMT Quasi-moving Block CAD Software Design and Implementation;城市轨道交通准移动闭塞CAD软件的设计与实现Xjy汉语字典

Research on Fallback Mode of Moving Block System for Urban Rail Transit;城市轨道交通移动闭塞系统后备模式的研究Xjy汉语字典

Similarity of Perturbations and the Closures of the (u+k)-Orbit of Operator Weighted Shifts;算子权移位的扰动相似及(U+K)-轨道闭包Xjy汉语字典

Evaluation on permeability of closed waterproof layer of asphalt mixture in ballastless track无碴轨道沥青混合料防水封闭层渗透性评测Xjy汉语字典

Visual Evaluation Index for Enclosed Green Speace of Rail Transit Station轨道交通车站封闭空间绿色视觉评价指标研究Xjy汉语字典

Application of Digital Video CCTV Supervision Control System in URT基于数字化视频的轨道交通闭路电视监控系统Xjy汉语字典

rail - lifter起轨[道]机, 升轨器Xjy汉语字典

Exact Solutions of the Dirac Equation for Low Orbital State in a Coulombic Potential with Additional Linear Confinement在附加线性禁闭的库仑场中狄拉克方程低轨道激发态的确切解Xjy汉语字典

Applications of Closed-orbit Theory to the Spontaneous Emission of Atoms in Dielectric Slabs;闭合轨道理论在介质板中原子自发辐射问题上的应用Xjy汉语字典

Simulation of the Electric Particle's Closed Orbits in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields near the Elastic Surfaces带电粒子在平行电场和磁场及弹性界面附近闭合轨道的模拟Xjy汉语字典

Application Method of Digital Video CCTV Supervision Control System in UMT轨道交通闭路电视监控系统视频数字化解决方案Xjy汉语字典

To run or cause to run off the rails.出轨,脱轨跑出轨道或使脱离轨道Xjy汉语字典

The unoccupied orbital are called virtual orbitals.未占轨道叫虚轨道。Xjy汉语字典