
expansion in terms of eigenfunction

expansion in terms of eigenfunction



expansion in terms of eigenfunction

1)expansion in terms of eigenfunction,本寨数展开2)spin eigenfunction,自旋本寨数3)eigenfunction expansions,本征函数展开式4)Method of expansion in terms of eigenfunctions,本征函数展开法5)symplectic eigenfunction expansion,辛本征函数展开6)Eigenmode expansion,本征展开

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The eigenfunction expansions of the second electric dyadic Green s functions for a coaxial cavity can be derived based on the method of Gm, whereby the irrotational vector wave function L is not needed.基于场的矢量波函数展开理论,采用Gm方法构造并矢格林函数的本征函数展开式时,无需用到无旋矢量波函数L,能够简化推导过程。5QL汉语字典