
Pythagorean triplet

Pythagorean triplet



1)Pythagorean triplet,毕氏三元数组2)three-number set,三元数组3)primitive pythagoras triplet,Pythagoras三元数组4)ternary array representation,三元数组表示5)three lowest detail subbed images,小波系数三元组6)genetically engineered Pichia pastoris,重组巴氏毕赤酵母

汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供毕氏三元数组的英文是Pythagorean triplet,Pythagorean triplet的意思,Pythagorean triplet是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询Pythagorean triplet缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考


The relationships among discreteness, elementariness and three-number sets (β(f),β(g),γ(f,g)) of two-generator Mbius subgroups 〈f,g〉 are obtained, and some properties of the set E of C~3 are also obtained.讨论了二元生成M bius子群〈f,g〉的离散性、初等性与三元数组(β(f),β(g),γ(f,g))的关系,得到了集合E的一些性质,给出了集合D∩E1的具体刻划,并利用代数方法证明了集合E和D∪E是C3上的闭集。w45汉语字典

Class of similarity measures between vague sets based on ternary array representation一类三元数组表示的Vague集间的相似度量w45汉语字典

Pythagorean triplet毕达哥拉斯三元数组w45汉语字典

On the Existence Conditions of Primitive Pythagoras Triplet关于本原Pythagoras三元数组存在的条件w45汉语字典

Class of similarity measures between vague sets based on ternary array representation一类三元数组表示的Vague集间的相似度量w45汉语字典

Lévy White Noises and Fractional Lévy Noises on Gel'fand TripleGel'fand三元组上的Lévy白噪声和分数Lévy噪声w45汉语字典

Storage Structure Based Geographic Metadata Model Described by Three Data Element Groups基于存储结构的三元组地理信息元数据模型w45汉语字典

Too few elements in non-empty trimesh indices array (minimum 7)非空三阶指数数组中的元素太少 (最少为 7)w45汉语字典

We shall discuss quadruples, triples, trees, and indirect triples.我们将讨论四元组,三元组,树和间接三元组。w45汉语字典

Secondly, in the design of accumulator, a triplet data structure is used and can reduce much amount of accumulator.在累加器设计上,应用了三元组数据结构, 压缩了累计器的数量。w45汉语字典

generating code from triples从三元组生成目标代码w45汉语字典

Three-dimensional finite element analysis of action of the number of abutment teeth on stress of alveolar bone桥基牙数目对支持骨组织应力影响的三维有限元法分析w45汉语字典

Some Equivalent Propositions on the Fuzzy Choice Functions' Rationality Conditions under the Strong De Morgan Triple强De Morgan三元组下模糊选择函数几个合理性条件的等价性w45汉语字典

having three units or components or elements.由三个单元、成分或元素组成的。w45汉语字典

Activity calculation model for slag system of CaO-Cu_2O-Fe_2O_3CaO-Cu_2O-Fe_2O_3三元渣系组元活度计算模型w45汉语字典

Dibit: A group of two bits .The four possible states of a dibit are 00,01,10,and 11.变数元:两个数元的组合。它的四种组合情况是00,01,11。w45汉语字典

reference to a structure or an array element对结构元素或数组元素的引用w45汉语字典

A set of data elements which are handled as a unit作为一个单元来处理的一组数据元素。w45汉语字典

Three Characteristic Beltrami System in Even Dimensions;偶数维三特征Beltrami方程组w45汉语字典

For example, in the array pictured in Fig.8.2 elements are identified by a row number and a column number, and row 1, column 3(element 1,3) contains the value 29.例如,在图8.2的数组中,元素用行号和列号区别,第一行第三列包含的值是29。w45汉语字典