
conservation field of force

conservation field of force



conservation field of force

1)conservation field of force,保守力场2)central conservative force field,有心保守力场3)conservative,保守4)Conservativeness,保守5)conservatism,保守6)conservation,保守

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If we choose the coordinate origin at the balance position of the spring oscillator, in any uniform conservation field of force,the formulation of mechanical energy conservation law of the spring oscillator will be the same form.若选择弹簧振子的平衡位置为坐标原点,无论弹簧振子处于何种均匀的保守力场中,其机械能守恒定律的最终表达式将完全相同。43M汉语字典

In this paper,starting with mechanical energy conservation and angle momentum conservation of a mass point in central conservative force field,kinetic energy of a mass point is divided into two parts including both radial kinetic energy and tangent kinetic energy.拟从质点在有心保守力场中运动的能量(包含机械能和角动量)守恒入手,将质点动能分解成沿径向和切向两个分量之和,再与引力势能的形式比较,引出“等效离心势能”,再与引力势能相合并,引出“有效势能”概念。43M汉语字典

This practice manifests traces of secret activities of medical groups, which makes physicians psychologically apt to develop the habit of being respectful, cautious and conservative when they get involved in medical activities.《内经》盟誓传统有秘密医学团体活动的痕迹 ,这决定了其在医学活动中易于产生恭谨保守的心理 ,出现较深的门户主奴之见 ,最终形成过分重视古人而不敢自信 ,缺乏抗论别择勇气的保守消极倾向。43M汉语字典

The Chinese culture is implicit,conservative and vivid,which attaches importance to the description of general impression and visual effects.从语言形式和语言运用这两个视角,并以生动的实例来比较、剖析英汉两种语言所映射出来的文化差异:中国文化含蓄、保守、形象,重描写总体印象和视觉效果;西方文化相对来说多呈显性,其语言特点激进、重逻辑,尤其着重描写细节和听觉效果。43M汉语字典

In the story 《Rip Van Winkle》,Washington Irving,the American writer,with a dramatic description of the two symbolic characters,Rip and his wife,reveals the social conditions around the Independent War,and also expresses his nostalgia in literature and conservative attitude.美国作家华盛顿·欧文在《瑞普·凡·温克尔》小说中,通过对瑞普及其妻——克尔太太这两个象征性人物的戏剧式描写,实际上向人们展示了美国独立战争前后的社会状况,同时也流露出了作者怀旧的文学倾向以及保守的思想态度。43M汉语字典

Conservativeness and Openness: on the Spiritual Ideology of the Library Historical Evolution;保守与开放:简论历史演进中的图书馆精神理念43M汉语字典

What s more,conservativeness and transcendence supplement each other.保守优良传统与不断寻求超越是大学稳步发展的奥妙所在。43M汉语字典

Palmerston s conservativeness agreed with the time spirit of the mid 19th century.保守性是理解帕麦斯顿在维多利亚中期自由主义历史上所居地位的关键。43M汉语字典

On conservatism and transcendence of university;坚守德性:大学保守的根基43M汉语字典

Guo Chao Rou Yuan Ji is one of his important representative works,Li Ce Zhi Yan,one part of which,reflects truly his pondering about social crisis,manifesting his thought interweaved administrator with conservatism.《国朝柔远记》是他重要的代表作,其中的《蠡测卮言》较为真实地反映了他应对危机的思考,体现了他思想交织着经世与保守。43M汉语字典

The value of the former is usually underestimated, however, as a matter of fact transcendence can not exist without conservatism.保守与超越是人类的一种共生现象,大学有效地承载这一共生活动。