




1)conformal,保角的2)conform,保角3)conformal transformation,保角变换4)conformal mapping,保角变换5)conformal transform,保角变涣6)conformal operator,保角算子



The use of elementary geometry method can give conformal demonstration of lineal function in infinite eigenvector.用初等几何方法给出线性函数在无穷远点的保角性证明。sPr汉语字典

Analysis of the slot effect of high speed brushless PM motors based on numerical conformal transformation;基于数值保角变换的高速永磁无刷电机齿槽效应的分析sPr汉语字典

Its analytic solution is obtained by multiple conformal transformations including elliptical functions,and the pressure and streamline distributions and the well flow rate are presented for the flow field.将油藏工程中水平井网渗流作为复杂源汇边界矩形区域的流动,通过椭圆函数等多重保角变换求得其解析解,并得到渗流场的压力分布、流线分布及井产量。sPr汉语字典

Under the condition of the steady flow, by means of conformal transformation, the authors derive a production formula of a horizontal well in the center of a reser.文中在保证地层内具有稳定流动的基础上 ,利用保角变换对顶底不渗透油藏中心有一口水平井的产量公式进行了重新推导 ,给出了水平井产量公式的修正公式 ,并且利用等值渗流阻力法进行了解sPr汉语字典

Calculation of the capacitance per unit length of an eccentric cable by conformal mapping;保角变换法计算单芯偏心电缆单位长度的电容量sPr汉语字典

Conformal mapping finite difference method for analyzinga novel family of elliptic function waveguides;新型椭圆函数波导族的保角变换有限差分解法sPr汉语字典

A MoM calculation of the lowest cutoff frequencies of uniform waveguides by conformal mapping;用保角变换结合矩量法计算均匀波导的最低截止频率