
bayes postulate

bayes postulate



1)bayes postulate,贝叶斯公设2)Bayesian formula,贝叶斯公式3)Bayes formula,贝叶斯公式4)Bayesian,贝叶斯公式5)Bayesian formulation,贝叶斯公式6)Bayesian method,贝叶斯假设

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In order to correctly evaluate the trophic state of a lake and then to establish scientific basis for the prevention of lake eutrophication, a lake eutrophication stochastic assessment method (LESAM) by u-sing Bayesian formula is proposed.为了准确评价湖泊所处的营养状态,进而为湖泊富营养化的防治提供科学依据,提出了基于贝叶斯公式的湖泊富营养化随机评价方法。ayz汉语字典

According to the Bayesian formula,this method group together the inconsistent datum of the best possible category and make the data set uniform.该方法首先根据贝叶斯公式,将非一致数据归为最可能的一类,使数据集一致化,然后在一致数据集上,定义类别区分矩阵,选择最小特征变量集,并给出了在类别区分矩阵上搜索最小特征变量集的启发式搜索策略。ayz汉语字典

Uses of Bayes formula in statistical Decisions;贝叶斯公式在统计决策中的应用ayz汉语字典

Considering the influence of the distorted information on fault location,a method for fault location in distribution network is presented based on Bayes formula.从解决配电网故障信息发生畸变影响故障定位入手,提出了一种运用贝叶斯公式的配电网故障定位方法,并建立了利用贝叶斯公式最大显著度条件的故障定位模型。ayz汉语字典

In order to overcome the shortcoming of conventional hydrologic analogy on choosing similar basin,a stochastic assessment method is developed and applied based on Bayes formula.为了改进传统水文比拟法在相似流域选择上存在的不足,提出一种基于贝叶斯公式的随机分析方法。ayz汉语字典

Bayesian-based information feedback mechanism;基于贝叶斯公式的信息反馈机制ayz汉语字典

Minimizing Cost Filtering Algorithm for Spam E-mail Based on Bayesian;基于贝叶斯公式的最小损失垃圾邮件过滤算法ayz汉语字典

An Anti-Spam E-mail Filtering Method Based on Bayesian;基于贝叶斯公式的垃圾邮件过滤方法ayz汉语字典

The method consists of maximum-likelihood and Bayesian formulation.提出一种基于概率统计的方法,采用最大似然法和贝叶斯公式,在ChaosShiftKeying系统的接收端重构发射端混沌映射,实现混沌信号的非相干检测。ayz汉语字典

The method consists of maximumlikelihood and Bayesian formulation.通过采用一种基于概率统计的方法,应用最大似然法和贝叶斯公式,在CSK(ChaosShiftKeying)系统的接收端重构发射端混沌映射,实现混沌信号的非相干检测。ayz汉语字典

The application of Bayesian method to the control of sonar array in acoustic imaging;贝叶斯假设方法在水声成像声呐阵控制中的应用ayz汉语字典

Software Defects Model Based on Bayes Formula基于贝叶斯公式的软件缺陷模型研究ayz汉语字典

On Looking for Two Methods of Complete Event Group for Complete Probability Fomular and Bayes Formular;对全概率和贝叶斯公式寻找完备事件组的两个方法ayz汉语字典

A Consistency Axiomatization of Correlatedly Bayesian Equilibrium相关贝叶斯平衡的一致性公理化(英文)ayz汉语字典

A Hybrid Method for Orienting Edges of Bayesian Network基于混合方式的贝叶斯网弧定向算法ayz汉语字典

Methods of Lazy Bayesian Classification Based on Emerging Patterns基于显现模式的懒惰式贝叶斯分类方法ayz汉语字典

A Lazy Bayesian Classification based on essential Emerging Patterns一种基于显现模式的懒惰式贝叶斯分类器ayz汉语字典

Bayesian Networks Construction and Their Applications in Data Mining贝叶斯学习、贝叶斯网络与数据采掘ayz汉语字典

Using Bayesian Network for Financial Early Warning of the Public Companies;基于贝叶斯网络方法的上市公司财务预警模型ayz汉语字典

Detection Methods for Expressway Traffic Events Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks基于动态贝叶斯网络的公路交通事件算法ayz汉语字典

Airlines Flight Safety System Assessment Method Based on Bayesian Networks基于贝叶斯网络的航空公司飞行安全系统评价ayz汉语字典

A financial early warning model based on Bayes criterion for a share-listed company基于贝叶斯判别法的上市公司财务预警模型ayz汉语字典

The Model of Distributed Heterogeneous Bayesian Network and Its Application of Mobile Commerce;分布式异构贝叶斯网络模型及其移动商务应用ayz汉语字典


The Effect of Informational External Representation on Bayesian Reasoning;信息的外部表征方式对贝叶斯推理成绩的影响ayz汉语字典

Bayesian Structure System Reliability-Based Robust Design Under Correlated Failure Modes多失效模式贝叶斯结构系统可靠性鲁棒设计ayz汉语字典

Distributed bayesian compressed spectrum sensing based on mutual information基于互信息的分布式贝叶斯压缩感知(英文)ayz汉语字典

Traffic pattern identification of elevator group control based on Bayes decision theory基于贝叶斯决策理论的电梯群控交通模式识别ayz汉语字典

1. Bayesian statistics theory: Expatiate the mathematic principle of Bayesian Networks, Bayesian statistics.1.贝叶斯统计理论:阐述贝叶斯网络的数学原理——贝叶斯统计。ayz汉语字典