汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供保持定向同构的英文是orientation preserving isomorphism,orientation preserving isomorphism的意思,orientation preserving isomorphism是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询orientation preserving isomorphism缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考
It is shown that the class-preserving automorphism of G of order a power of 2 whose restriction to any Sylow subgroup of G equals the restriction of some inner automorphism of G is necessarily an inner automorphism.集,证明了如果G的2的方幂阶类保持自同构在G任意的Sylow子群上的限制等于G的某个内自同构的限制,则它一定是一个内自同构。w7M汉语字典
We prove that every multiplicative local automorphism on an AF C*- algebra A is an automorphism by studying the action of on a matrix sy stem of A.本文讨论AFC代数中的一些映射的线性性质和它们的局部性质之间的关系,研究AFC代数A上的保持乘法的局部自同构在A中矩阵单位系上的作用,证明了是A上的自同构。w7M汉语字典