
Bessel inequation

Bessel inequation



1)Bessel inequation,贝塞尔不等式2)Bessel beam,贝塞耳光3)Bessel beam,贝塞尔光4)Bessel method,贝塞尔法5)Bessel function,贝塞尔函数6)Bessel function,贝塞耳函数

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For the description of the focusing properties of a Bessel beam generated by an axicon, we first deduce a type of analytic expression other than Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral theory.对轴棱锥产生的贝塞尔光聚焦特性的描述,我们提出一种有别于惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射积分理论的解析表达。TLz汉语字典

In the teaching of physical experiment of uncertainty theory, assessing the experiment data of convex mirror focus measurement with Bessel method, meets with some application problems.在物理实验教学过程中,应用不确定度理论评定贝塞尔法测焦距的实验数据时遇到了一些具体应用上的问题,本文对这些问题进行分析、研究后给出了一种合理的不确定度评定方案。TLz汉语字典

The Zeroth-order Bessel Function and Nondiffraction Beams;无衍射光束与零阶贝塞尔函数TLz汉语字典

The Solution of Bessel Function About Circular Plates with Three Generalized Displacements on the Elastic Foundation;弹性基础上三广义位移圆板的贝塞尔函数解答TLz汉语字典

An error analysis of numerical calculation by series formula of Bessel function;利用贝塞尔函数的级数形式进行数值计算的误差分析