
saturated vertex

saturated vertex



1)saturated vertex,饱和顶点2)saturation point,饱和点3)Light saturation point,光饱和点4)CO2 saturation point,CO2饱和点5)Supersaturation point,过饱和点6)magnetic saturation point,磁饱和点

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Study on the relationship between the saturation point of the water reducer and the fluidity and harden performance of the cement paste;减水剂饱和点与水泥浆体流动性及硬化性能关系的研究9yE汉语字典

The results showed that CO2 saturation point and compensation point was 1384.用同化箱法,研究了高产棉田群体的光合特性,结果表明:群体CO2饱和点与补偿点分别为,盛花期1384。9yE汉语字典

In this paper,we studied the salting-out laws of salt lake brine in Dingbian,and determined the saturation point and salting-out ending point of sodium chloride and the temperature of freezing and extracting mirabilite.研究定边盐湖卤水析盐规律、确定其化钠饱和点、析出终止点,确定析盐后卤水冷冻提取芒硝的温度。9yE汉语字典

31(μmol/(m~2·s)) in different period,the light saturation points(LSP) varied from 1 327.s),光饱和点(LSP)变化范围为1 327。9yE汉语字典

The results show that net photosynthetic rate(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr),stomatal conductance(Gs),intracellular concentration of CO_2(Ci),water use efficiency of cultivars and the light saturation point in leaves of 11 cult.结果表明:不同品种在净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、水分利用率(WUE)和光饱和点(LSP)[430。9yE汉语字典

The results showed that photosynthetic rate,light saturation point and light compensation point of eight strains of Scutellaria baicalensiswere obviously different.结果表明:8个种源黄芩的净光合速率、光饱和点、光补偿点等光合指标间差异显著,其中渭源种源黄芩对高光强利用能力最强,光饱和点为(1575±68)μmol/(m2。9yE汉语字典

reach a [the, its] saturation point达到饱和点 [极限]9yE汉语字典

saturation pointph.1. 【化】饱和点,2. 【喻】饱和点,极限9yE汉语字典

It seems that a point of saturation has now been reached.现在似乎已达到饱和点9yE汉语字典

When one market reaches its saturation point, we must find new markets.当一个市场到达饱和点,我们就得找新的市场。9yE汉语字典

Variation of the Fiber Saturation Point of Bamboo with Age The study of the Fiber Saturation Point of Bamboo with different age by Mechanical methods力学法测定不同竹龄毛竹纤维饱和点的研究9yE汉语字典

We'll saturate California with the rise in its crime rate.我们将使加利福尼亚州的犯罪案件增长率达到饱和点9yE汉语字典

Study on the relationship between the saturation point of the water reducer and the fluidity and harden performance of the cement paste减水剂饱和点与水泥浆体流动性及硬化性能关系的研究9yE汉语字典

The Saturation Result on Baskakov Operators;Baskakov算子点态逼近的饱和结果9yE汉语字典

saturation value饱和值,饱和度数值(颜色)9yE汉语字典

The dew point is the highest temperature to which the air cools to saturation moisture content.露点是空气降温到含水量饱和的(最高)温度。9yE汉语字典

These fats also contain appreciable amounts of fully saturated triacylglycerols and exhibit relatively high melting points.这些脂肪还含有大量饱和三酰基甘油,熔点较高。9yE汉语字典

Make the mask layer look darker, using the next command Image -Adjustments -Brightness/Contrast .点击图像-调整-亮度/饱和度将面膜层调暗。9yE汉语字典

Material Point Method for Dynamic Analysis of Saturated Porous Media基于物质点方法饱和多孔介质动力学模拟9yE汉语字典

Coupling Material Point Method for Dynamic Analysis of Unsaturated Porous Media非饱和多孔介质动力学模拟的耦合物质点方法9yE汉语字典


Material point method for dynamic analysis of saturated porous media (Ⅱ): dynamic contact analysis between saturated porous media and solid bodies基于物质点方法饱和多孔介质动力学模拟(Ⅱ)——饱和多孔介质与固体间动力接触分析9yE汉语字典

Material point method for dynamic analysis of saturated porous media (Ⅰ):coupling material point method基于物质点方法饱和多孔介质动力学模拟(Ⅰ)——耦合物质点方法9yE汉语字典

Study and Programming of Saturate & Saturate-Unsaturated Seepage of Embankment;堤坝饱和、饱和—非饱和渗流研究及其程序化9yE汉语字典