
baire measure

baire measure



baire measure

1)baire measure,贝利测度2)lebesgue measure,勒贝格测度3)Baire measurable function,贝利可测函数4)Beyliss turbidimeter,贝利斯浊度计5)Welfare measurement,福利测度6)Perry,贝利

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Condilions os the theorvm changed,We have got Theorem 3 by usingLebesgue Measure.积分学基本公式是计算定积分的一个重要公式,但它的使用条件较为苛刻,本文利用勒贝格测度,将定理的条件进行了改进,得到了定理3,并说明了定理3已不能再推广。Ac0汉语字典

Lebesgue measure is introduced in knowledge base, knowledge measure and knowledge measurable sets are defined.在知识库中引入勒贝格测度 ,定义了知识测度和知识可测 ,对比勒贝格测度研究了知识测度的性质 ,并得出了波雷耳集与知识可测集等价等强于勒贝格测度的性质 。Ac0汉语字典

This paper shows that the Lebesgue measure of the singular matrices in R\+\{n×n\} is zero.证明了 n阶实矩阵集合中奇异矩阵集合的勒贝格测度等于零 ,n维实空间中 m(≤ n)个随机向量线性无关的概率为Ac0汉语字典

A murderer without motive ——A Probe into Perry Smith s Character in “In Cold Blood" by Using Freud s Psychological Theory;一个没有动机的谋杀者——《冷血》中贝利人物形象分析Ac0汉语字典

The author attaches much attention to the psychological status of the cold-blooded killer Perry Smith,which makes the meaning of the title disputable.作品中作家却用大量笔墨刻画了"冷血"杀手贝利·史密斯的不健全心理,令《冷血》这一题目的含义耐人寻味Ac0汉语字典

"Hello, Huckleberry!"“你好啊,哈克贝利Ac0汉语字典

Tom,@ whispered Huckleberry,“汤姆,”哈克贝利小声问道,Ac0汉语字典

Potter: Oh,yes,George Bailey.波特:哦,当然,乔治·贝利Ac0汉语字典

Don't count on much, Billy.不要抱太大的希望,贝利Ac0汉语字典

Peli Promotes Autobiography in Mexico贝利在墨西哥推出自传Ac0汉语字典

"Say, Billy, got a yaller ticket?"“喂,贝利,你有黄色票吗?”Ac0汉语字典

Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing,哈克贝利心悦诚服汤姆流利的书写,Ac0汉语字典

It was such a shock when Beria was uncovered. How could a socialist country produce a Beria?出了一个贝利亚,就不得了,怎么社会主义国家出贝利亚?Ac0汉语字典

But this time, Cibelli left the lab in a depressed mood.不过这次奇贝利沮丧地离开了实验室。Ac0汉语字典

People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation.切尔诺贝利城的人们易受辐射的攻击。Ac0汉语字典

It was true that old Perier had come round.确实,贝利埃老头也转变了。Ac0汉语字典

"Stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn."“路上和哈克贝利-费恩讲话耽搁了。”Ac0汉语字典


Like Pele and Muhammad Ali before him,像在他之前的球王贝利和拳王阿里,Ac0汉语字典

together with footballer Pele and boxer Muhammad Ali.和球王贝利、拳王阿里一起。Ac0汉语字典

The Trulli of Alberobello阿尔贝罗贝洛的楚利式建筑Ac0汉语字典

Betty, John and Harry came to see him,贝蒂、约翰、亨利都来看他,Ac0汉语字典

Rayleigh-Benard instability瑞利-贝纳尔不稳定性Ac0汉语字典