
betti group

betti group



1)betti group,贝蒂群2)local betti group,局部贝蒂群3)Betty,贝蒂4)Betti's theorem,贝蒂定理5)Betti reaction,贝蒂反应6)betti number,贝蒂数

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In chapter 2 we use harmonic 1-forms and discuss the relationship between an almost nonnegatively Ricci curved n-manifold with the first Betti number equal to n and a flat n-torus.在第二章中我们利用调和1-形式研究了第一贝蒂数等于n且Ricci曲率几乎非负的n维黎曼流形和n维平坦环面之间的关系。MYz汉语字典

Wake up, Betty. Wake up, Betty.贝蒂,醒来了。贝蒂,醒来了。MYz汉语字典

Betty, er, what do you call her, darling Betty?贝蒂,呃,你叫她什么,宝贝贝蒂?MYz汉语字典

Jane: That's a good idea, Betty.简: 好主意, 贝蒂MYz汉语字典

What's your opinion, Betty?贝蒂,你的看法呢?MYz汉语字典

Daming! Betty! Over here!大明!贝蒂!这里!MYz汉语字典

Betty, Betty White. I'm glad to meet you.贝蒂贝蒂?怀特。很高兴见到你!MYz汉语字典

Betty: Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.贝蒂:喂,业务部,我是贝蒂_尔兹。MYz汉语字典

Betty sells shells on the back of a red shell.贝蒂在红色贝壳的背面上卖贝壳。MYz汉语字典

Betty, John and Harry came to see him,贝蒂、约翰、亨利都来看他,MYz汉语字典

She spoke her mind to Betty.她向贝蒂吐露了心声。MYz汉语字典

Betty is a sedate girl.贝蒂是个恬静的姑娘。MYz汉语字典

Betty, why are you stopping?贝蒂,你怎么停下了?MYz汉语字典

Betty was very happy to get the gift.贝蒂非常高兴收到礼物,MYz汉语字典

You are a good student, Betty.贝蒂,你是个好学生。MYz汉语字典

Her parents, David and Betty.她父母、大卫和贝蒂MYz汉语字典

Does Betty like that programme?贝蒂喜欢那个节目吗?MYz汉语字典

Betty was happy to hear that.贝蒂听到这非常高兴,MYz汉语字典

Betty received many gifts.贝蒂收到了很多礼物。MYz汉语字典