
cellular approximation

cellular approximation



1)cellular approximation,胞腔逼近2)approximate,逼近3)approach,逼近4)approximation,逼近5)Approaching,逼近6)approximations,逼近

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For NC process problem of the complicated space curve, the paper describs outline appearance of the part with quasi-uniform B-Spline by given point and approximates B-Spline curve with straight line, moreover, turns into NC process procedure of the part automatically.对于复杂空间曲线的数控加工问题,通过给定型值点,反算构造三次准均匀B样条曲线,并用直线对B样条曲线进行了逼近处理,自动生成零件数控加工程序。0xy汉语字典

Two neural networks were built to approximate the function of camera distortion.提出了一种基于BP神经网络的修正成像误差的算法,建立两个神经网络分别对δu与δv进行最佳函数逼近。0xy汉语字典

Rational number can approximate to real number,use the notation of Approximate one can prove Riemann function isn t differentiable anywhere,that the Rational points are dense in unit circle.利用有理数对实数逼近的表示方式,给出黎曼函数处处不可导的一种证明,给出单位圆周上的有理点在单位圆上稠密的证明。0xy汉语字典

Computer simulated approaching method for motion analysis of planar 3-RRR parallel robots;平面3-RRR并联机器人运动分析的计算机模拟逼近法0xy汉语字典

A Way to Approach and Imitate the Motor Cam Valve.;内燃机配气凸轮的逼近与仿制方法0xy汉语字典

Least squares approximation for non-circular curve in NC machining;数控加工中非圆曲线的最小二乘圆弧逼近0xy汉语字典

Surface flexible reconstruction based on approximation in reverse engineering;基于逼近理论的逆向工程曲面柔性重构技术研究0xy汉语字典

Simultaneous approximation in l_p(X_k);l_p(X_k)中的联合逼近0xy汉语字典

The application of power function approaching speed in the ultimate operation幂函数逼近速度在极限运算中的应用0xy汉语字典

A new and fast algorithm of parameter approaching is pr oposed by analyzing the three methods of linear fitting based on residue rule.对三种基于残差准则的直线拟合方法进行分析并提出了一种直线拟合快速实现的新算法——参数逼近法;算法以变步长对斜率和截距进行逼近,降低了利用计算机进行直线拟合的复杂度;算法不仅容易实现,收敛速度快,而且可以根据需要自由控制拟合精度;另外,算法对3种准则的拟合均适用,从而将3种直线拟合法统一于一个体系之下。0xy汉语字典

The paper acquires the control vertex of 3-order NURBS from data points and presents an approaching method for NURBS curve by the least square circle,it bases on the matrix representation for NURBS curve.在给定具体型值点的条件下 ,通过反求工程 ,构造出三次NURBS曲线的参数方程 ,并提出了一种利用最小二乘圆对NURBS曲线进行分段圆弧逼近的数控编程方法 ,它基于NURBS曲线的矩阵表示 ,在满足精度的要求下 ,可使拟合圆弧段数最少 ,并能够减小拟合误差、简化数值计算和编程 ,从而减少CAD系统与CNC系统的数据传送 ,提高了加工效率和质0xy汉语字典

The four equivalent conditions for approximations are obtained by means of Laplace transformations.m次积分余弦算子函数是近年来提出并研究的一类算子族,它的逼近问题是研究的课题之一。0xy汉语字典

integral approximation积分逼近[近似]法0xy汉语字典

The Multiresolution Approximation and It s Property;Multiresolution逼近及其性质0xy汉语字典

Riesz Approximation of Set-valued Pramart集值Pramart的Riesz逼近0xy汉语字典

The Algorithm of Approximating a Given Matrix with a Hankel Matrix of Lower Rank and Weighted Approximations;低秩Hankel矩阵逼近及其加权逼近的算法0xy汉语字典

The Approximation and Weighted Approximation for Some Positive Linear Operators;若干正线性算子的逼近及其加权逼近0xy汉语字典

Approximating logarithmic spiral segments by polynomial and C-Bézier对数螺线段的多项式逼近与C-Bézier逼近0xy汉语字典

hyperbolic approximation双曲线近似法[逼近法]0xy汉语字典

rational function approximation有理函数逼近[近似](式)0xy汉语字典

close in(on sb/sth);come nearer and attack from several directions从四面八方逼近并攻击0xy汉语字典

timate-second estimate method中天时间逐次逼近算法0xy汉语字典

The enemy ship bore down on our small boat.敌船逼近我们的小艇。0xy汉语字典

weierstrass approximation theorem维尔斯特拉斯逼近定理0xy汉语字典

The cat moved stealthily in on the sparrow.猫偷偷地向麻雀逼近0xy汉语字典

The specter of war loomed ahead.战争的阴影逼近了。0xy汉语字典

Brown gained on the runner ahead.布朗逼近了前面的跑者。0xy汉语字典

My enemies bore down upon me.我的敌人逼近了我。0xy汉语字典

He was faced with imminent death.他面临逼近的死亡。0xy汉语字典

The police began to close in on the home of the suspect.警察开始逼近嫌犯的家。0xy汉语字典