
containment mapping

containment mapping



containment mapping

1)containment mapping,包含映射2)inclusion,包含3)containment,包含4)∈-containments,∈-包含5)include,包含6)Inclusion energy,包含能

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Based on the clear set theory,this paper illustrates the incompleteness of the operation of equality and inclusion and join and intersection on fuzzy set and the reasons.以清晰集理论为基础,阐明了模糊集合中的相等、包含、并、交等运算的不完备性(即词不达意)和产生的原因,进而阐明模糊集中的排中律(互补律)不成立,是个错误的结论。Ir7汉语字典

After introduction of analytic function·p in the punctured disk E _0= {z∈C:0<z<1}, the paper makes use of linear operator Dn+p to investigate properties of the new subclass T_(n+p-1)(α) of meromorphic p-valent functions and makes a respective study of inclusion relation and the integral transform property.利用线性算子Dn+p,考察了亚纯p叶函数的新子类Tn+p-1(α)的一些性质,分别研究了其包含关系及类中函数的积分变换性质。Ir7汉语字典

The relations of inclusion are studied between families of Stieltjes integrals and Bloch type space,Besov space,Bergman space on Cn.在Cn中讨论了Cauchy-Stieltjes积分族Jp和Bloch型空间、Besov空间、Bergman空间的包含关系,得到如下结果:(1)当0≤qp+1时,Jp βq;(3)当q>p≥0时,Jp Δq;(4)当p>0时,Δp Jp;(5)当0Ir7汉语字典

<Abstrcat>This paper expatiates on the base concept of COM reusability, and this topic focuses on the COM containment and aggregation technologies of software reusage.阐述了COM可重用机制的基本概念,并着重论述其在软件重用方面的技术:COM包含和聚合。Ir7汉语字典

It is pointed out that the Boltzmann entropy is not an equivalent with Clausius entropy, and the Boltzmann entropy includes the Clausius entropy, the information entropy includes the Boltzmann entropy again.论述了信息熵、玻尔兹曼熵以及克劳修斯熵之间的关系;由不涉及具体系统的方法从玻尔兹曼关系、信息熵推导出了克劳修斯熵的表达式;指出玻尔兹曼熵与克劳修斯熵不是等价关系,而是玻尔兹曼熵包含克劳修斯熵,信息熵又包含玻尔兹曼熵。