
Keeping-order relation

Keeping-order relation



1)Keeping-order relation,保序关系2)timing relationship,时序关系3)order relation,序关系4)partial ordering relation,偏序关系5)temporal relation,时序关系6)Partial Order,偏序关系

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Second,the timing relationship between data acquisition and data transfer must be well handled.设计USB数据采集系统的难点在于:其一,对USB传输、事务、信息包以及握手信号等相关概念的正确理解和应用;其二,正确处理好数据采集与数据传输之间的时序关系。xw1汉语字典

In order to solve the problem of abnormity in 768 kbps high speed data transmission,at first a right timing relationship between synchronous data and timing circuits according with the international and domestic criterions is introduced.针对768kbps高速数据传输异常的问题,根据国内外标准相关内容,确定了同步传输中数据与定时信号间的时序关系,通过与工程应用中实测波形的比较,发现设备接口间信号时序关系存在不匹配,据此对问题进行了分析,进一步查找原因,并使故障得到复现,最后为彻底排除隐患提出了解决措施。xw1汉语字典

The theory of suppressing these noise types for CIS by using Correlated Double Sampling(CDS) is described,and the timing relationship between driving signals CP/SP that CIS required and sampling-holding signals SH1/SH2 are also analyzed,these signals are produced by using Complex Programmable Logic Device(CPLD).介绍了接触式图像传感器CIS的简要原理和CIS中存在的噪声类型,阐述了用相关双采样来消除这些噪声的机理,分析了CIS要求的驱动信号CP、SP和采样保持信号SH1、SH2之间的时序关系,并用复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)来产生这几个信号。xw1汉语字典

A kind of order relations of interval grey number via kenning degree;确认度意义下区间灰数的一种序关系xw1汉语字典

Research of Rough Set Theory and Order Relation Based on Pansystems Methodology;基于泛系的粗糙集模型和序关系研究xw1汉语字典

With the equality relation and the order relation defined by the ε-bound method,data with the same value at a one-dimensional real-type node may be mistakenly merged to different nodes in an AVL tree and an illegal AVL tree may be produced with a multi-dimensional real-type node.发现采用ε方法定义节点间相等关系和序关系,在一维实型节点情况下,相同数据有可能错误归并到树中的不同节点,而高维情况下可导致非法平衡二叉树。xw1汉语字典

In terms of the concept of ordering relations of interval numbers based on probability,as well as the practical sense of vote models of Vague sets,the definition of a partial ordering relation of Vague values in the closed subinterval set is given,with which we provide the necessary proofs of some primary properties of Vague relations.从基于可能度的区间数序关系的概念以及Vague集投票模型的实际意义两个方面,引入闭子区间集中Vague值的偏序关系的定义,并利用偏序关系证明了Vague关系的一些主要性质。xw1汉语字典

A partial ordering relation is presented in the incomplete interval-valued information system(IIIS) with the purpose of classification,and practical approaches are given to reduce the partial ordering relation.针对不完备区间值信息系统,提出了一种用于分类的偏序关系,并给出了计算这种偏序关系约简的实际操作方法。xw1汉语字典

This paper builds modified object lattice by introducing two partial ordering relations ≤\' and ■\' and a new inter-section ∩\',followed by generating a concept lattice with the modified object lattice.通过在对象集内引入两个偏序关系≤′和■′及一种新的交运算∩′来建立改进的对象格,然后通过此对象格产生概念格。xw1汉语字典

In the military multi-agent systems it need to analyses the dependent and temporal relations between the tasks or combat behaviors for working-out its programmings/plans,and so can get the correct behavior sequences to guarantee good coordination and aovid not success because of the possible error scheduling and conflicts.在军事MAS(multi-agentsystem多自主体系统 )中制订规划 /计划时需要对任务和战斗行为相互间存在的依赖关系和时序关系进行分析 ,计算出可保障MAS中相互进行良好协作的行为序列 ,避免因可能发生的时序错误、冲突造成协作失败。xw1汉语字典

Extended interval temporal logic(EITL) can model and reason about the temporal relations between nondeterministic intervals in discrete event systems where the duration of an action or event is indeterminate or unpredictable and only the low bound and up bound of the terminal time can be predicted.该文在扩展时段时序逻辑的基础上提出了一种推理机制 ,这种推理机制基于时间 Petri网模型及基本不等式规则 ,可由一组已知的扩展时段时序关系推出一些未知的扩展时段时序关系 ,对不确定时间段内发生的事件及其相互关系具有较好的描述能力 。xw1汉语字典

Compared to the definitions of concepts“Event”and“Temporal Relation of Events”from many researches, based on the specification of TimeML decide the specific direction of this research.事件时序关系的研究在问答系统,文本提取等自然语言处理领域起着越来越重要的作用。xw1汉语字典

This article provides an analytic methord of make Hasse Chart from Partial Order -- 揌asse Matrix? By using Hasse Matrix, Hasse Chart of Partial Order will be drawn conveniently, so that, it provides a theoretic basis and method for computer in solving such issues.本文提出一个由偏序关系作哈斯图的解析方法——哈斯矩阵。xw1汉语字典

This paper is devoted to application of evolutionary technique based on partial order to conceptual design.本文论述了基于偏序关系的进化技术在计算机辅助概念设计中的应用,为了说明基于偏序关系的进化技术在开发面向用户的进化系统中的有效性,我们给出了一个计算机辅助概念设计系统,它可以辅助设计师更好地完成概念创新设计。xw1汉语字典

operations that are initiated predictably by a clock.一种按时序关系依次激发的操作。xw1汉语字典

Algorithm modeling goals precedence relations based on transferability closure目标时序关系的形式定义和建模算法xw1汉语字典

Modeling Tasks Temporal Relations Based on Transferability Closure任务时序关系的形式化和传递闭包建模算法xw1汉语字典

Wen Bianranhushi Situation even Rise and Fall of the Department of Timing--From "Wenxindiaolong timing," look at the relationship between literature文变染乎世情 兴废系乎时序——由文心雕龙·时序看文学与时代的关系xw1汉语字典

DFG Optimization: Retiming and Association数据流图的优化:时序重构和结合关系重构xw1汉语字典

Research on Long Memory and Fractional Cointegration in Financial Time Series;融时间序列的长记忆与分形协整关系研究xw1汉语字典

Time-dependent Analysis of Relation Between Oil Consumption and Economic Growth in China;中国石油消费与经济增长关系的时间序列分析xw1汉语字典

Research on the relationship of co-persistence based on high-frequency financial time series;高频融时间序列的协同持续关系研究xw1汉语字典

Reseach on the Nonlinearly Cointegrated Relationship for Long Memory Vector time Series;长记忆向量时间序列的非线性协整关系研究xw1汉语字典

Qualitative representation and fusion of probabilistic causalities in time-series environments时序环境中概率因果关系的定性表示及融合xw1汉语字典

"Pax Islamica" and "Hua Yi Order":--An Analysis of the Relations between Abbasid Empire and China in Tang Dynasty;“伊斯兰秩序”与“华夷秩序”——唐时中国与阿拔斯王朝的地区秩序关系分析xw1汉语字典

On the Order Between the Coexisting of Mortgage Right and Priority of China Law;论抵押权与我国法上相关优先权竞合时的位序关系xw1汉语字典

critical software clock routine关键性软件时钟程序xw1汉语字典

Setup recommends closing these programs during installation:安装程序建议在安装时关闭这些程序。xw1汉语字典

The order in which a formation of associated minerals is generated.共生次序相关矿物生成时的顺序xw1汉语字典

There are no more system timer resources available. Close one or more applications and try again.没有其他可用系统时钟资源。请关闭一个或多个应用程序,再试一次。xw1汉语字典

Unable to start internal timer. This may be caused by low system resources. Close some windows or programs.不能启动内部计时器。可能是系统资源不足。请关闭一些窗口或程序。xw1汉语字典

This paper presents how to write system record program about windows information、 on-off time and button infor-mation.介绍系统的窗口信息、关机时间及按键信息的记录程序编制。xw1汉语字典