
adjoint hilbert problem

adjoint hilbert problem



1)adjoint hilbert problem,伴随希耳伯特问题2)hilbert problems,希耳伯特问题3)adjoint problem,伴随问题4)the eighth problem of Hilbert,希尔伯特第八问题5)Discontinuous Riemann Hilbert problem,间断黎曼-希尔伯特问题6)Riemann-Hilbert's problem,黎曼-希尔伯特问题

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By virtue of eigenvalue problem and its adjoint problem, we can obtain a sufficient and essential condition to judge the self-adjointness of Dirac eigenvalue problem.本文通过Dirac特征值问题和它的伴随问题的讨论,得到了判断自伴性的一个充分必要条件。KZr汉语字典

Adjoint Problem of Non-self-Adjoint Dirac Eigenvalue Problem;非自伴Dirac特征值问题的伴随问题KZr汉语字典

Do not bludgeon a problem to death with code.不要棒击一个问题来伴随代码死亡。KZr汉语字典


Scope is among the many problems concerning negation.否定伴随着许多问题,否定辖域就是其中之一。KZr汉语字典

On the other hand, the optimal control is a reverse problem and is to be solved with the adjoint equation.控制问题是反问题 ,用伴随方程求解是很自然的途径KZr汉语字典

an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with related problems; snags incidental to the changeover in management.官僚作风的过度滋长伴随而来的问题;伴随经营方针的改变而来的阻碍。KZr汉语字典

The third involves the undesirable externalities that may accompany productivity increases.第三是伴随生产率提高而产生的不良的外部影响问题。KZr汉语字典

As books go digital, new questions, both philosophical and commercial, arise.伴随着书籍的数字化,哲学和商业层面的新问题也不断涌现出来。KZr汉语字典

This paper names the race matrix problem, and resolves it using the formula method and the companion method presented by us .本文命名了赛马矩阵问题 ,并利用笔者提出的公式化方法和伴随序列法解决了此问题 .KZr汉语字典

Problems with health coupled with emotional upset are apparent making this a much better week to pamper you, not someone else.伴随着思想负担的健康问题是你现在最需要解决的问题,而不是别人。KZr汉语字典

Collaborative Partnership on Forests森林问题合作伙伴关系KZr汉语字典

Warm thoughts and deepest sympathy are with you.殷切的思念和深切的慰问伴随着你。KZr汉语字典

Establishing a diagnosis that does not incorporate the chief complaint frequently focuses attention on a coincidental process irrelevant to the patient's concerns.没有纳入主诉的诊断,往往不是(bìng)人当前真正关注的问题,而是落脚在伴随的(bìng)变上。KZr汉语字典

It was only shortly thereafter, with the advent of the OPEC oil embargo, that conservation became highlighted.就在此后不久伴随着石油输出国组织的石油禁运,能源保护才成为突出问题。KZr汉语字典

Some comrades in our Party still do not know how to appraise the current situation correctly and how to settle the attendant question of what action to take.在对于时局的估量和伴随而来的我们的行动问题上,我们党内有一部分同志还缺少正确的认识。KZr汉语字典

Bridgescape is appeared in some new ways and some new directions, such as the bridge environment scape, nightscape of bridge, and bridgescape CI and etc.伴随其成长过程,还存在一些如建设管理机制、筑师素质及设计风格等方面的问题。KZr汉语字典

Therefore, we should look into the social roles of male and female in the historical context.换言之,伴随着人口生育而进行的性别秩序的建构,是社会整体的问题,也是为社会再生产负责。KZr汉语字典

Intracranial arachnoid cysts are believed to be congenital; they can become symptomatic in pediatric patients.颅内蜘蛛膜囊肿被视为是先天的问题,偶尔会在小孩身上发现但并不伴随任何的症状。KZr汉语字典