
adjoint surface

adjoint surface



1)adjoint surface,伴随曲面2)subadjoint surface,次伴随曲面3)adjoint curve,伴随曲线4)Followed along with the song.,伴随着歌曲5)random surface,随机曲面6)cogeoid['kɔdʒiɔid],伴随大地水准面

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A method of constructing rational developable interpolation patches is put forward: two rational curves with similar shape are used as design curve and adjoint curve separately, and the points on the design curve and the corresponding points of the same parameters on the adjoint curve are joined with straight lines.其次将二次、三次有理曲线分别作为可展有理 Bezier曲面的设计曲线和伴随曲线 ,具体讨论了有关可展有理 (2 ,3 ) Bezier曲面的构造及其分类问题 。oXM汉语字典

In this paper,we discuss some properties of Mamheim curve and its adjoint curve.给出Mannheim曲线及其伴随曲线的若干条性质。oXM汉语字典

Based on de Casteljau algorithm for discrete generation of Bezier surface and the using of different interpolation displacement disturbance to control the diversity of random surface, several kinds of Random surface could be generated, which have deterministic, random, fractal, mixed and complicated shape.将随机图形与自由曲面的变形相结合,提出了随机曲面生成的均匀插值移位法。oXM汉语字典

The pictures made up vivid stories as a narrator explained with song.放映机伴随着歌曲,讲述生动的故事。oXM汉语字典

A song or instrumental composition concerning, accompanying, or evoking daybreak.晨歌,朝曲,晨曲关于、伴随或唤醒黎明的歌曲或乐章oXM汉语字典

The dancing performance started to the strains of a folk song.伴随着民歌的旋律开始了舞蹈表演。oXM汉语字典

Accompanied by cheerful music, we began to dance.我们伴随着欢乐的乐曲跳起舞来。oXM汉语字典

Accompanied by cheerful music, the children began to dance.孩子们伴随着欢乐的乐曲,跳起舞来。oXM汉语字典

A song sung by sailors to the rhythm of their movements while working.船夫曲水手劳动时随着劳动节奏而唱的歌oXM汉语字典

over his skin to the accompaniment of a monotonous and soothing chant.这时其他的人伴随着单调、安抚的歌声用手抚摸大象的皮肤,oXM汉语字典

experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness.经历着或者伴随着无眠。oXM汉语字典

to the accompaniment of the drip-drop, the local folk song和着同伴们土著的歌谣,oXM汉语字典

a lively girl pumps her fists in the air as she dances around the room and sings the lyrics to the romantic single, @Love Don't Cost a Thing,一个充满活力的女孩一边上下摆着拳头,一边伴随着浪漫单曲爱并不费钱唱着,跳着。oXM汉语字典

With a hit song and work in commercials, she's making a name for herself.随着歌曲的畅销及广告作品的推出,她逐渐闯出名堂。oXM汉语字典

As they developed, their songs became more serious.随着披头士乐队逐渐成长,他们的歌曲也越来越严肃。oXM汉语字典

Its fountains are choreographed to songs by Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis junior.喷泉随着弗兰克?西纳特拉和小萨米?戴维斯的歌曲起伏舞蹈。oXM汉语字典

of or relating to or attended by putrefaction.属于、关于或伴随着腐烂。oXM汉语字典

The stray dog attached itself to me.那只野狗一路伴随着我。oXM汉语字典

a speech sound accompanied by sound from the vocal cords.伴随着声带发出的语音。oXM汉语字典

When you come to the end of a perfect day, and you sit alone with your thought, while the chimes ring out with a carol gay当美好的日子即将流逝,你沉思着独自静坐,当钟声伴随着快乐的颂歌响起,oXM汉语字典

move as if accompanied by a singsong.好像伴随一场歌舞会来移动。oXM汉语字典