
semi-major axis

semi-major axis



1)semi-major axis,半主轴;半长轴2)major semi-axis,长半轴3)major semi-axis,半长轴4)semimajor axis of ellipsoid,椭球长半轴,地球长半轴5)Semimajor axis biased,半长轴偏置6)Semi-major axis modification,长半轴修正

汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供半主轴,半长轴的英文是semi-major axis,semi-major axis的意思,semi-major axis是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询semi-major axis缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考


semimajor axis of ellipsoid椭球长半轴,地球长半轴xDk汉语字典

Either half of the major axis is called a semimajor axis.长轴的每一半叫做半长轴。xDk汉语字典

one-half the major axis of an ellipse; the distance from the center of an ellipse to one end.椭圆长轴的一半;从椭圆的中心到一端的距离。xDk汉语字典

The major semiaxis a and p of the relative orbital motion are known.我们知道其相对轨道运动的主要半长轴a和周期p。xDk汉语字典

Relationships between the minor axis semidiameter and major axis semidiameter have been empirically determined for different structural detail geometries.对于不同结构细节的几何形状,已经确定了短轴和长轴半径之间的关系。xDk汉语字典

leading half axle(拖拉机转弯时)前进半轴xDk汉语字典

multi-spindle vertical semi-automatic lathe立式多轴半自动车床xDk汉语字典

crankcase bottom half发动机曲轴箱的下半部xDk汉语字典

reentrant cylindrical cavity圆柱形凹腔, 半同轴空腔xDk汉语字典

rear axle differential side gear后桥差速器半轴齿轮xDk汉语字典

The camshaft rotates in phase with the crankshaft, but at half its speed.凸轮轴和曲轴协调旋转, 但速度仅是曲轴的一半。xDk汉语字典

A vertical Japanese scroll painting.字轴,画轴,长轴一种垂直(悬挂)的日本卷轴画xDk汉语字典

To create torque in a long axis stroke( freestyle and backstroke), one must have a semi-fixed point from which to work.为了在长轴划水(由泳和仰泳)建立扭矩,一个人必须在运动中有一个半稳定点。xDk汉语字典

Five paces by four and a half.'五步长四步半宽。”xDk汉语字典

A short shaft that transmits motion from a motor to a machine, especially in an automobile.传动轴,驱动半轴从马达传送动作给机器的短轴,尤指汽车xDk汉语字典

High quality bearing steel is selected to prolong the beering's service life.轴承选用精制轴承钢,使用寿命长。xDk汉语字典

Cytyledons and future stalk called the hypocotyl elongate.子叶和未来称为下胚轴的主轴延长。xDk汉语字典

Application of Oil-free Lubricating Material to Long Shaft Bearings for Dog Transfer拨入机长轴轴承无油润滑材料的应用xDk汉语字典