




1)half-line,半直线2)closed half line,闭半直线3)half logarithm curve,半对数直线4)Curve fitting by the logest model,半对数直线拟合5)SSL,半对数直线段6)long straight line combined with sharp curve,长直线接小半径曲线



Existence of Three Positive Solutions for Boundary Value Problem of a Coupled System on the Half-line半直线上耦合系统边值问题三个正解的存在性IuX汉语字典

In this paper, singular boundary value problems of non-linear equation system on a half-line will be considered.本文主要研究半直线上非线性方程组奇异边值问题解的存在性。IuX汉语字典

In addition,corresponding countermeasures were put forward by cases analysis of the traffic accidents in long straight line combined with sharp curve.根据小半径曲线路段的各种交通事故形态,对事故的成因作了分析,并指出现行相关规范的不足,提出了长直线及小半径曲线的界定方法;结合长直线接小半径曲线路段交通事故的实例分析,进一步提出了相应的预防措施。IuX汉语字典

Singular Boundary Value Problems of Non-linear Equation System on a Half-line;半直线上非线性方程组奇异边值问题IuX汉语字典

Three-Point Boundary Value Problems for Differential Equations with Singularity on a Half Line;半直线上奇异微分方程三点边值问题IuX汉语字典

Impulsive Boundary Value Problems on Half Line in Banach Spaces;Banach空间中半直线上的脉冲边值问题IuX汉语字典

A modified Jacobi rational spectral method on the half line半直线上修正的Jacobi有理谱方法(英文)IuX汉语字典

Initial and Boundary Value Problems for Singular Functional Differential Equations on Half-line;半直线上奇异泛函微分方程初值与边值问题IuX汉语字典

Positive Solutions of Boundary Value Problem on Half Line;半直线上二阶微分方程边值问题的正解IuX汉语字典

Singular Impulsive Two-point Boundary Value Problems for Differential Equations on a Half Line;半直线上脉冲奇异微分方程两点边值问题IuX汉语字典

Limit nature of semi-linear RWIRE;半直线上随机环境中的随机游动的极限性质IuX汉语字典

Limit Properties for Random Walks in Random Environments on Half-Line半直线上随机环境中随机游动的极限性质IuX汉语字典

Existene of Multiple Solutions for Boundary Value Problem of a Coupled System on the Half-lime半直线上耦合系统边值问题多个正解的存在性IuX汉语字典

Existence of Three Positive Solutions for Boundary Value Problem of a Coupled System on the Half-line半直线上耦合系统边值问题三个正解的存在性IuX汉语字典

Some Problems in the Theory of Differential Equations with Fixed Impulsive on the Half-line;半直线上具固定时刻脉冲的微分系统的若干问题IuX汉语字典

Study on Curve Radius Standard for Linear Metro直线电机轮轨交通线路最小平曲线半径研究IuX汉语字典

The old lady did not stop sewing until midnight.老太太直到半夜才放下针线活。IuX汉语字典

"because a straight line can be thought of as an arc of a circle of infinite radius, its curvature is zero."直线可视为半径无穷大的圆,曲率为0IuX汉语字典

The lower part of the spine has a natural curve;it should be relaxed but upright.脊椎下半部的自然曲线,要保持放松、挺直。IuX汉语字典

Abstract: It illustrates a ellipse's short semi-axial curved line with great cured radius, that can replace the straight line for cutting square work-pieces on the machine tool.文摘:车方机床用曲率半径很大的椭圆短半轴曲线代替直线切削方形工件。IuX汉语字典

Inter win their fourth corner of the second half. Recoba's cross goes out of play and Chievo win a goal kick.下半场的第四个角球,这一次雷科巴直接将球开出了底线,对方门球。IuX汉语字典