
semi-ordered space

semi-ordered space



1)semi-ordered space,半序空间2)ordered space,半序空间3)the space of semiorderings,半序空间4)semiordered space,半序空间5)ordered Banach space,半序Banach空间6)Semi-ordering Banach space,半序Banach空间

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On the basis of Kwapisiz s semi-ordered space and abstract space, it discusses common fixed point problem of a kind of commuting mappings, extends the results of Zhang Shisheng.引用Kwapisz提出的半序空间及抽象空间,讨论了一类交换映象的公共不动点问题,推广了张石生、陈绍仲所讨论的压缩映象原理的成果sUK汉语字典

The minimal-maximal fixed points theorems of increasing operators are proved in ordered space and some well-known results of increasing operators and monotone operators are improved and generalized.证明了半序空间中增算子的最小最大不动点定理 ,推广和改进了增算子和混合单调算子的某些最近结果 ,并应用于没有任何连续性紧性凹性凸性假定下非线性奇异常微分方程的边值问题sUK汉语字典

The notion of the space of semiorderings on a commutative ring is introduced. 引入交换环上半序空间的概念。sUK汉语字典

The fixed point and eigenelement for binary operators of α concave and convex in normal cone of the semiordered space are discussed,and iterative procedure and error extimate can be given.讨论了σ-完备线性半序空间正锥上二元α凹凸算子的不动点和固有元,并给出了迭代程序和误差估计。sUK汉语字典

The author gives out a fixed point theorem for set-valued maps in ordered Banach spaces.在半序Banach空间中,给出一个集值映射不动点定理。sUK汉语字典

In this paper, we prove some existence theorems of coupled fixed point of mixed monotone operators in the semi-ordering Banach space,and give some applications to nonlinear equations.本文证明了半序Banach空间中混合单调算子的耦合不动点的若干存在性定理,并将所得结果应用到非线性方程组的求解中。sUK汉语字典

Solvability Theorems with Applications of an Operator Equation in Partial Order Space半序空间中一类算子方程的可解性及应用sUK汉语字典

Periodic Solutions for Semilinear Evolution Equation in Ordered Banach Space;有序Banach空间半线性发展方程的周期解sUK汉语字典

Theory of Patially Ordered F-type Topological Space and Its Applications;半序F-型拓扑空间的理论及其应用sUK汉语字典

Study on Non-linear Operator in Semi-ordered Banach Space;半序Banach空间中非线性算子的若干问题的研究sUK汉语字典

Strong Convergence of Approximants for Nonlipschitzian Semigroups in Banach Spaces;Banach空间中非Lipschitzian半群的逼近序列的强收敛sUK汉语字典

The Positive Cone and Semi-order Yielded by the Bounded Linear Functional in Banach Spaces;Banach空间上非零有界线性泛函导出的正锥与半序sUK汉语字典

The Existence of the Solutions to a class of Groups of Decreasing Operator Equations in Ordered Metric Spaces;半序度量空间中一类减算子方程组的可解性sUK汉语字典

Partially oydered metric space and fixed point theorem of decreasing operator;半序度量空间中单调减映射的不动点定理sUK汉语字典

Fixed Point Theorems of Monotone Mapping in Ordered Metric Space and Its Applications半序度量空间中单调映射的不动点定理及应用sUK汉语字典

The Coupled Fixed Points of a Class of Mixed Monotone Operators in Ordered Metric Spaces;半序度量空间中一类混合单调算子的耦合不动点sUK汉语字典

half plane in the pattern space模式空间中的半平面sUK汉语字典

The Research of Fuzzifying Semi-open Topological Theory;Fuzzifying半拓扑空间的研究sUK汉语字典

Net Depiction of Semi-T_2 Topological Spaces and Semi-Continuity Functions;半T_2空间和半连续映射的网式刻画sUK汉语字典

program's effective logical addressing space程序有效逻辑编址空间sUK汉语字典

master scheduler address space主调度程序地址空间sUK汉语字典

caller's logic address space调用程序逻辑地址空间sUK汉语字典

Smoothness of Orlicz-Bochner Sequence SpacesOrlicz-Bochner序列空间的光滑性sUK汉语字典

Some Properties in Orlicz and Cesaro-Orlicz Sequence Spaces;Orlicz空间与Cesaro-Orlicz序列空间中的若干性质sUK汉语字典