
bertrand paradox

bertrand paradox



1)bertrand paradox,柏特龙悖论2)Plato's problems,柏拉图悖论3)bertrand curves,柏特龙曲线4)Bertrand's paradox,贝特朗悖论5)Triffin Dilemma,特里芬悖论6)On the Paradoxes of Plato s Poetics,柏拉图诗学的悖论

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The Stability Analysis of Petro-currency System According to "New Triffin Dilemma";基于“新特里芬悖论”下的石油计价体系的稳定性分析578汉语字典

Language, Knowledge, and Plato s Problems;语言与知识关系研究——从柏拉图悖论谈起578汉语字典

Paradoxical-demonstration: a Kind of Expressive Mode of Platon s Literature Concept;悖论:柏拉图文艺观的一种表述方式578汉语字典

Plato's Paradox of Philosopher-ruler in the Republic柏拉图理想国的“哲学王”悖论578汉语字典

Utilitarian Aesthetic Conception and Its Paradoxical-Style Interpretation of Aesthetic Illustration;柏拉图的功利美论与审美阐释的悖论式诉语578汉语字典

"Irony" and "Pharmacy":Comparison between Zhuangzi s Language Paradox and Plato s;“反讽”与“(yào)”——对庄子与柏拉图语言观中悖论的比较578汉语字典

The Simple Exploration of the Theory of Naming about Plato’s Cratylus浅析柏拉图克拉底鲁篇的命名理论578汉语字典

A Comparison between the Theory of Tao by Laotse and the Theory of Idea by Plato;老子“道论”与柏拉图“理念论”之比较578汉语字典

Plato s Theory of Justice: the Design of Argumentation and Some Problems;柏拉图正义论:论证设计与问题(下)578汉语字典

Idea As the Methodological Kernel of Plato s Poetics and Aesthetics: Notes on Plato s Completed Works;相:柏拉图诗学与美学思想方法论的元点——柏拉图全集阅读札记578汉语字典

Plato found himself in the middle of this controversy.柏拉图发现自己身处这一争论之中。578汉语字典

The Differences between the Two Regimes Advanced by Plato and Aristotle比较柏拉图、亚里士多德的政体模式论578汉语字典

The Study on Plato s Harmonious Society Theory in the Republic;从理想国看柏拉图的和谐社会理论578汉语字典

The Secret of Republic:On Ion and Plato s Poetics;理想国的秘密——论伊安篇与柏拉图诗学578汉语字典

A Reinterpretation of Book 10 in Plato s Republic;柏拉图理想国卷十的论题、位置和结构578汉语字典

Poetics: Vehicle Reconstruction--From Plato to Wordsworth;诗论:喻体的选择——从柏拉图到华兹华斯578汉语字典

A Study on the Function of Scientific Cognition and Aesthetics of “Plato Shape”;论“柏拉图体”的科学认知与审美功能578汉语字典

Why is "Philosophy-King" Possible?--Discussion on Plato s Political Philosophy;“哲学王”何以可能——柏拉图政治哲学引论578汉语字典

On the Connotation of "Ruling by Law" Mode in The Laws by Plato;论柏拉图法律中“法治范式”的意蕴578汉语字典