汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供百分增加的英文是percentage increase,percentage increase的意思,percentage increase是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询percentage increase缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考
This region of slow percentage increase is called the plateau.这个增长百分率缓慢的区域称为坪。c2S汉语字典
Pay increases were pegged at five per cent.工资增长率已限制在百分之五.c2S汉语字典
The rate of overall industrial growth was above eight percent.工业总增长率超过百分之八。c2S汉语字典
China accounts for what percentage of global economic growth?中国经济增长率占世界经济增长率的百分比为多少?c2S汉语字典
This year it passed 10 percent of retail.所以每年百分之四十的年增长率十分巨大。c2S汉语字典
The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging close to 10 per cent per annum.中国的经济,每年平均增长率接近百分之十。c2S汉语字典
He estimated that the rate of economic growth in ASEAN would be about 4.5 percent.他预计东盟经济增长率将在百分之四点五左右。c2S汉语字典
The fluctuating range of economic growth rate dropped to 0.3 percentage points in 2001 from 2.7 percentage points in the previous year.全年经济增长率波动幅度由上年的2.7个百分点下降为0.3个百分点。c2S汉语字典
The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging almost 10 per cent per annum.中国经济以惊人的速度增长,每年平均增长率高於百分之十。c2S汉语字典
The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging near to 10% per annum.中国经济以惊人的速度增长,每年平均增长率接近百分之十。c2S汉语字典
"The world population goes up by two per cent a year, city population goes up by four per cent a year, but in big cities the rate may be as much as five and six per cent a year. "世界人口每年增加百分之二,城市人口增长率为百分之四,而大城市则高达百分之五或六。c2S汉语字典
We expect GDP growth this year of around 5.5%.我们预期,香港本地生产总值的增长率,会由去年的百分之四点九增加至今年大约百分之五点五。c2S汉语字典
number of one percent increment增长百分之一的数值c2S汉语字典
a tax increase of 15 percent.百分之十五的税收增长c2S汉语字典
constant percentage growth mode固定百分比增长模型c2S汉语字典
Last year, consumer price index rose by 0.7-0.8 percent. This leaves a positive interest rate of 1 percent.而去年消费物价指数增长0.7%—0.8%,这样,正利率还有一个百分点。c2S汉语字典
During the period of the plan the annual growth rate of the total value of industrial and agricultural output will be about 7 per cent.“七五”期间,工农业总产值的年增长率定在百分之七左右,c2S汉语字典
Japanese economist says the actual rate of growth of the world economy this year will be about 3%日本经济学家说,今年世界经济的实际增长率在百分之三左右c2S汉语字典
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