
Barnes extended hypergeometric function

Barnes extended hypergeometric function



1)Barnes extended hypergeometric function,巴恩斯广义超几何函数2)generalized hypergeometric function,广义超几何函数3)Gaussian hypergeometric functions,高斯超几何函数4)generalized S-geometrically convex function,广义S-几何凸函数5)hypergeometric function,超几何函数6)hypergeometric series/transformation of hypergeometric seriesT,超几何函数/超几何变换

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Making use of a linear operator,which is defined here by means of the generalized hypergeometric function,we introduceand investigate a certain subclass M_p~(l,m)(α_1,λ;h) of∑_p.设∑_p(p是正整数)表示有孔单位开圆盘内型为f(z)=z~(-p)+a_(1-p)z~(1-p)+…的解析函数类,利用广义超几何函数定义的线性算子,引进∑_p的子类M_p~(l,m)(α_1,λ,h),研究了其包含关系与卷积性质。VDk汉语字典

In this paper,by the generating functions and the Gaussian hypergeometric functions,the authors obtain some new formulae of the Apostol-Genocchi polynomials.利用发生函数以及高斯超几何函数得到了关于Apostol-Genocchi多项式的一些新的恒等式,并进一步推导出一些特殊情况及应用。VDk汉语字典

Pascal matrix type and the hypergeometric function;Pascal矩阵类与超几何函数VDk汉语字典

Given the hypergeometric function F(a , b; c; z) and F1 (z) = zF(a , b; c; z) , we determine conditions on a, b, c, A, B I λ, to guarantee that (1 - )F1 (z) + zF1 (z) (30) will be in the class T(X, A, B).给定 F1(z)=zF(a,b;c;z),这里F(a,b;c;z)是超几何函数,我们对a,b,c,A;B,λ,μ确定条件,使得函数(1-μ)F1(z)+ μzF1’(z)(μ ≥ 0)属于类 T(λ,A,B)。VDk汉语字典

In this paper,we give the holomorphic automorphism groups and,compute the Bergman kernel functions represented by hypergeometric functions when the parameters are positive integers and the Bergman kernel functions in explicit formulas when one of the parameters is positive real number but the inverses of the other numbers are positive integers on the generalized Hua domains.给出了 4类广义华罗庚域的全纯自同构群及其当参数都是正整数的Bergman核函数的超几何函数表达式和当参数之一为正实数而其余参数的倒数为正整数的Bergman核函数的显表达式 。VDk汉语字典

A Certain Class of Meromorphically Multivalent Functions Involving the Generalized Hypergeometric Function广义超几何函数的亚纯多叶函数类VDk汉语字典

Properties of Analytic Functions Defined by Hypergeometric Functions;用超几何函数定义的解析函数的性质VDk汉语字典

The Definition of Generalized S-Geometrically Convex Function and One of Its Applications;广义S-几何凸函数的定义及其应用一则VDk汉语字典

The Generalization of a Partition Function Equality and a New Proof of Hypergeometric Functions Identity;分拆函数等式的推广及超几何函数恒等式的新证明VDk汉语字典

The Properties and Operations of ω-Ultradistribution Space;ω-超广义函数空间的性质及其运算VDk汉语字典

A support set problem in ω-ultradistributions of Roumieu tapeRoumieu型ω-超广义函数空间的支集问题VDk汉语字典

Hypergeometric Series Method for Riemann-Zeta Function and Combinatorial Identities;Riemann-Zeta函数的超几何级数方法和组合恒等式VDk汉语字典

Research on several qualities of equidegree continuous function and generalised equidegree continuous function;关于等度连续函数和广义等度连续函数的几个性质的研究VDk汉语字典

The Properties and Operations of ω-Ultradistribution Spaces;Beurling型ω-超广义函数空间的一些判别定理VDk汉语字典

Convolution in ω-Ultradifferentiable Function Spaces of Beuling Tape ε_((ω))(Ω)Beurling型ω-超广义函数ε_((ω))(Ω)中的卷积运算VDk汉语字典

Estimation of the Parameters and Some Functionals of the Weibull Distribution from Generalized Censored Sample;广义删失抽样下Weibull分布参数及几个泛函的估计VDk汉语字典

The Equivalent Condition of Several Kinds of Generalized Convex Function in Linear Topological Space;线性拓扑空间上几种广义凸函数的等价条件VDk汉语字典

Using the constructive method for some kinds of recursion formulas of generalized Vandermonde determinant用构造函数法求几类广义Vandermonde行列式的递推公式VDk汉语字典

Several Classes of Generalized Monotone Maps & Generalized Convex Functions and Their Application to Variational Inequalities;几类广义单调映射与广义凸函数及在变分不等式中的应用VDk汉语字典

The Propagation of Generalized Hypergeometric Beams in ABCD Optical Systems广义超几何光束在ABCD光学系统中的传播VDk汉语字典

Computation of Orlik-Solomon Algebra and Hypergeometric Function Expressions for the Molecule-Micropore Potential;OS代数的机器计算与介孔分子势能的超几何函数表示VDk汉语字典

Relation between Geometric Convex Function, Square Convex Function and Convex Function;几何凸函数平方凸函数与凸函数的关系VDk汉语字典

generalized rational distributed lag function广义有理分布滞后函数VDk汉语字典