
superclosure of concave-convex function

superclosure of concave-convex function



1)superclosure of concave-convex function,凹凸函数的上闭包2)lower closure of concave-convex function,凹凸函数的下闭包3)concave closure of saddle function,鞍函数的凹闭包4)convex closure of saddle function,鞍函数的凸闭包5)convex hull of a function,函数的凸包6)definition of concave & convex function,函数的凹凸性

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Proof of a Type of Triangle Inequality by Means of Concavo-Convex Function;利用函数的凹凸性证明一类三角不等式iFG汉语字典

Exact Multiplicity of Semi-linear Differential Equations' Solutions Involving Concave-convex Functions含凹凸函数的半线性微分方程解的确切个数iFG汉语字典

Application of the Nature of Concave-convex Function in the Proof of Inequality凹凸函数的性质在不等式证明中的应用iFG汉语字典

A Reextension on the Concave-conves of Function through Formula of Taylor;用泰勒公式研究函数凹凸性的一种再拓广iFG汉语字典

An Extensiveness on the Concave-convex Property of Function through Formula of Taylor;用泰勒公式研究函数凹凸性的一种拓广iFG汉语字典

The Properties and Applications of Several Classes of Generalized Convex Functions and Convexification, Concavification Method for Monotone Optimization;几类广义凸函数的性质和应用及单调规划的凸化、凹化方法iFG汉语字典

An Extension of Differential Mid- Value Theory in Concave (Convex) Functions;微分中值定理在凹(凸)函数中的推广iFG汉语字典

An empirical Green function approach with asperity model considered考虑凹凸体理论的经验格林函数方法iFG汉语字典

Continuity, Convexity, Analyticity and Stability of Solutions for Some Iterative Functional Equations;几类迭代函数方程解的连续性、凹凸性、解析性与稳定性iFG汉语字典

On E-convex sets,E-convex functions and semi-E-convex functions;关于E-凸集,E-凸函数和半-E-凸函数性质的研究iFG汉语字典

Alternative characterization of concave and convex functions which is sometimes useful.对于凹函数和凸函数还有一个替补的表征,有时它是有用的。iFG汉语字典

Relation between Geometric Convex Function, Square Convex Function and Convex Function;几何凸函数平方凸函数与凸函数的关系iFG汉语字典

Combinatorial Proofs of Log-convexity and Log-concavity of Some Combinatorial Numbers;一些组合数的对数凸性和对数凹性的组合证明iFG汉语字典

Semi-continuity and E-quasiconvexity of Functions on E-convex SetE-凸集上的函数的半连续性与E-拟凸性iFG汉语字典

A Symmetric Mean about Weakly Logarithmically Convex Function;一类关于弱对数性凸函数的对称平均iFG汉语字典

Locally Rotundity of Orlicz-bochner Function Space with the Luxemburg NormLuxemburg范数下Orlicz-Bochner函数空间的局部凸性iFG汉语字典

From the basic inequality of concaveconvex function, this paper extends the basic inequality and solves the problems of some inequalities.从凹凸函数的基本不等式出发,将其推广,可解决某些不等式问题。iFG汉语字典

On level sets of E-convex function and E-quasiconvex function有关E-凸函数和E-拟凸函数的水平集iFG汉语字典