
age replacement policy

age replacement policy



1)age replacement policy,按年龄更换策略2)aging replacement policy,年龄更换策略3)age replacement policy,工龄更换策略4)replacement by age,年龄更换5)replacement policy,更换策略6)replacement policy N,更换策略N

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Based on the concepts of potential fault and delay time,the age replacement policy and spot checking and regularly repairing policy was researched under the condition that the initial defect time and delay time distribution models were known.在已知设备初始时间、延迟时间分布规律的基础上,由潜在故障和延迟时间的概念出发,分别研究了工龄更换策略和点检定修策略的费用模型、功能故障风险模型,并通过算例进行了两种策略的比较分析。vV5汉语字典

According to the failure modes and effect,holding the current replacement by age strategy,an economical maintenance model is constructed.通过分析增压器的失效模式和失效后果,根据现行的年龄更换策略,建立优化目标函数,在保证可靠性的约束下,使平均每公里的维修成本最低。vV5汉语字典

Under the conditions that the repairman vacation time is respectively random variable and constant,replacement policy is considered based on the working.在修理工休假时间分别为随机变量和定长的情况下,选取系统的总工作时间T和故障维修次数N为更换策略,以长期运行单位时间内的平均停机时间为目标函数,通过更新过程和几何过程理论建立数学模型,导出了目标函数的解析表达式。vV5汉语字典

Assume that the system after repair is not "as good as new", by using geometric processes we consider a replacement policy N based on the f.在该系统为”修复非新”时,我们利用几何过程考虑了以系统的故障次数N为更换策略,以长期运行单位时间内的期望费用为目标函数,通过目标函数最小化确定了最优更换策略。vV5汉语字典

An optimal replacement policy for series repairable system is studied assuming that the component after repair is not "as good as new" by using the geometric process model.在假定故障部件不能"修复如新"的条件下,基于几何过程模型研究可修串联系统的最优更换策略。vV5汉语字典

A replacement policy N is adopted by which the system will be replaced by an identical new one at the time following the Nth failure.作者采用更换策略N,即当且仅当系统已经失效N次时用一个全新的系统更换,然后得到了系统长期运行下的平均费用的表达式,并且找到了最优更换策略N*的解析表达式,最后给出了一个数值实例。vV5汉语字典

Optimal Chip Changing Tactics in Depositing Process of Multiplayer Optical Coatings多层膜镀制过程中监控片的最优化更换策略vV5汉语字典

Systematic Reviews for Replacement Strategy and Efficacy in Blood Collection of Peripheral Venous Catheter静脉留置针更换策略及采血有效性的系统评价vV5汉语字典

Optimal Replacement Policy for a Series System with k Dissimilar Componentsk个不同型部件串联系统的最优更换策略vV5汉语字典

Optimal Replacement Policy for Series Repairable System of N Components Based on Availability基于可用度的N部件可修串联系统最优更换策略vV5汉语字典

Such tactics work best in markets with high rates of churn, where customers jump readily from one operator to the next.类似的策略在用户频频更换服务商的高离网率市场是最有效的。vV5汉语字典

Multiple Fault Diagnosis Strategy Based on Maximum Posterior Probability Candidate Fault Set Replace Method基于最大后验概率候选集更换法的多故障诊断策略研究vV5汉语字典

Automatic synchronistical transmission and its scheme in automobiles汽车自动同步换挡系统及其换挡策略vV5汉语字典

The Influence of Ideology on Translation of Foreign Literature --A Case Study of Three Chinese Versions of David Copperfield社会意识形态与外国文学译介转换策略——以狄更斯的大卫·考坡菲的三个译本为例vV5汉语字典

Study of the change of brand logo and the brand building strategy;品牌标识(LOGO)更换与品牌塑造战略研究vV5汉语字典

"Refer to the Group Policy White Paper for more information.""有关更多信息,请参阅组策略“组策略”白皮书。"vV5汉语字典

Gear Shift Schedule and Gearshift Control for Amt in Hybrid Electric Vehicle;混合动力汽车AMT换档策略及换档控制的研究vV5汉语字典

A Study on the Elimination of Unexpected and Frequent Shifting of Off-Road Vehicles' AMT越野车辆AMT消除意外换挡及频繁换挡策略研究vV5汉语字典

Improvement of Commutation Strategy for Matrix Converter Based on Two-line Voltage Synthesis双电压合成矩阵变换器换流策略的改进vV5汉语字典

Stability of Switched Linear Systems Under Fuzzy Switching Strategy基于模糊切换策略的线性切换系统的稳定性vV5汉语字典

ELSS:A Replacement Policy to Save Bank Transition Energy for Data CacheELSS:一种降低数据Cache体转换能量的替换策略vV5汉语字典

Rate Control Strategy in CBR Video Transcoding恒定速率视频编码转换码率控制策略vV5汉语字典

Discussion on Strategy for Optimization of Beijing Communication Olympics Exchange Network北京通信奥运交换网络优化策略探讨vV5汉语字典

Research of Pipeline Replacement Methodology Based on Asynchronousreplacement;基于异步映射的流水线替换策略研究vV5汉语字典