
adéle ring

adéle ring



adéle ring

1)adéle ring,阿代尔环2)Araldite,阿拉尔代特环氧树脂3)adéle,阿代尔4)adéle group,阿代尔群5)cycloartan,环阿尔廷6)azilian age,阿齐尔时代

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Thornfield belongs to Mr. Edward Rochester and little Adele,桑菲尔德属于爱德华. 罗切斯特和小阿代尔MKZ汉语字典

"Arthur Dimmesdale!"“阿瑟-丁梅斯代尔MKZ汉语字典

Algonkian period阿尔冈纪(元古代)MKZ汉语字典

Of or relating to Argos or the ancient region of Argolis.阿尔戈斯阿尔戈斯或与之相关的或阿尔戈利斯州古代区域的MKZ汉语字典

But Arthur Dimmesdale!但阿瑟-丁梅斯代尔可不同!MKZ汉语字典

And thou, Arthur Dimmesdale, dost thou yet live?"而你呢,阿瑟-丁梅斯代尔,你还活着吗?”MKZ汉语字典

said Arthur Dimmesdale, rising from the ground.阿瑟-丁梅斯代尔说着,从地上站起身来。MKZ汉语字典

"Modern defense, Averbakh system"现代防御,阿维尔巴赫体系MKZ汉语字典

He opted to represent Altai territory.他选择阿尔泰地区作为自己的代表区。MKZ汉语字典

Faysal’s Reform and Modernization of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia费萨尔改革与沙特阿拉伯王国现代化MKZ汉语字典

Proterozoic basaltic magma intrusion event in the Altai ,Xinjiang新疆阿尔泰元古代基性岩浆侵入事件MKZ汉语字典

Arthur Dimmesdale: Incarnation of Hawthorne’s Confession Consciousness阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔:霍桑忏悔意识的化身MKZ汉语字典

The Atonement of Arthur Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter;《红字》中阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔的赎罪历程MKZ汉语字典

On the relations between Egypt and Mitanni in Amarna period;论阿玛尔纳时代埃及与米坦尼的关系MKZ汉语字典

ancient cisalpine Gaul included an area south and east of the Alps.古代阿尔卑斯山南边的高卢包括阿尔卑斯山以南和以东的区域。MKZ汉语字典

If it represented Assur for the Assyrians, is it Ahura Mazda for the Persians?它是代表亚述人的战神阿舒尔,还是波斯人的阿胡玛兹达?MKZ汉语字典

Geochronology of Early Precambrian Magmatic Activities in Aketashitage, East Altyn Tagh阿尔山阿克塔什塔格早前寒武纪岩浆活动的年代学证据MKZ汉语字典

A South Korean government delegation was in the Afghan capital Kabul holding talks with government officials.一组韩国政府代表团已将阿富汗首都喀布尔与阿富汗政府协商.MKZ汉语字典