
abel equation

abel equation



1)abel equation,阿贝耳方程2)abelian equation,阿贝耳方程3)Ernst Abbe,阿贝4)Abbe number,阿贝数5)abatacept,阿贝西普6)Abelian group,阿贝尔群7)abbe Error,阿贝误差8)Abbe eyepiece,阿贝目镜9)Abbe's principle,阿贝原则10)Abelization,阿贝尔化

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From Joseph Fraunhofer to Ernst Abbe on the Role of Innovative Talent;从夫琅和费和阿贝看创新人才的作用rNZ汉语字典

The results indicated a set of high refractive index glasses could be obtained by introduction of BaO and TiO_2,and the density,refractive index,Abbe number and transmission of the glass with various BaO/TiO_2 ratio based on the content of SiO_2 in 15%,12%,10%(in mass) were measured respectively.测试玻璃的密度、折射率、阿贝数和紫外到红外波段的透过率等物化性质,研究密度和折射率与组成的关系及影响阿贝数、透过率大小的因素。rNZ汉语字典

Pharmacology and clinical study of abatacept in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis;阿贝西普的(yào)理作用与临床研究rNZ汉语字典

Let G be a finite Abelian group,an ideal in the grouping Zpr is called an Abelian code over Zpr.设G为有限阿贝尔群,群环Zpr[G]中的理想称为Zpr上的阿贝尔码。rNZ汉语字典

The security~ of these cryptosystems is based on the dificulty in solving descrete logarithms with Abelian group.本文讨论了一些公钥密码体制 (ElGamal加密与解密算法、Diffie -Hellman密钥交换方案和Shamir协议 )在阿贝尔群上的扩展 ,它们的安全性均建立在阿贝尔群上离散对数求解困难性的基础之rNZ汉语字典

The ellipse rotating symmetric group is proposed,which is an Abelian group.提出椭圆旋转对称群,它是一个单参数阿贝尔群。rNZ汉语字典

The AFM head is mounted without Abbe error in the X and Y directions.原子力测头的布置在X、Y方向无阿贝误差。rNZ汉语字典

Theorial study and calculation show that Abbe error can be decreased to almost zero by use of the structure and it can meet the demand of nano-platform.经理论研究计算,能实现近零阿贝误差,满足微纳米级定位平台的要求。rNZ汉语字典

Infrared Abelization of Yang-Mills Theory via Abelian Higgs Variables;基于阿贝尔黑格斯变量的杨-米尔斯理论的红外阿贝尔化BES合作组(英文)