
beta function

beta function



1)β function,β函数2)beta function,β函数3)βfunction,β函数4)β-function,β-函数5)S_*(β) functions,S(β)函数6)β-convex functions,β-凸函数

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By means of the sharpening of Hlder′s inequality, the improvement of Hardy-Hilbert′s type inequalities with parameter involving β function is given.改进了Hlder不等式,并利用加强的Hlder的不等式对联系β函数的带参数的Hardy-Hilbert型不等式进行了改进,建立一个新的形如sum from n=1 to ∞ sum from m=1 to ∞(ambn/(m+n)λ)/BqU汉语字典

By introducing a parameter λ and the β function and using the way of weight function,we give a reverse of Hardy-Hilbert′s inequality with a best constant factor.引入单参数λ及β函数,应用权函数的方法,建立反向的H ardy-H ilbert积分不等式,并证明其常数因子是最佳值。BqU汉语字典

This paper deals with a relation between Hardy-Hilbert s inequality and Mulholland s inequality with a best constant factor by introducing a parameter A and using the β function.本文引入单参数λ,利用β函数,建立Hardy-Hilbert不等式与Mulholland不等式的一个具有最佳常数因子的联系式。BqU汉语字典

In this paper,a class of suppored wavelet is constructed with Beta functions.本文利用β函数构造了一种紧支撑小波,这种小波不但在[-1,1]上具有紧支撑性,而且一个小波具有对称性,另一个小波具有反对称性,因此这种紧支撑小波适用于区间[0,1]。BqU汉语字典

The paper introduces the measurement and research of some beam parameters using tune measurement system for Hefei Light Source (HLS), which include the betatron tune, beta function, natural chromaticity, corrected chromaticity, and central frequency.介绍了利用合肥光源 ( HLS)的工作点测量系统进行一些束流参数的测量及其应用研究 ,这些参数包括工作点、β函数、自然色品、校正色品以及中心频率。BqU汉语字典

In this paper, by introducing some parameters and estimating the weight coefficient, we give a generalization of Hilbert s double series inequality with a best constant factor, which involves theβfunction.通过引入一些参数及估算权系数,给出一个推广的具有最佳常数因子的Hilbert重级数不等式,它联系着β函数BqU汉语字典

By means of introducing two positive parameters M and N,usingβfunction and improving weight function, an extension of the reverse Hardy-Hilbert\'s inequality with a best constant factor is obtained.通过引入正参数M,N,利用β函数及改进权函数的方法,推广了一个反向的Hardy-Hilbert积分不等式,并证明其常数因子为最佳值。BqU汉语字典

This paper applies some special treating methods of infinite series,analyses deeply some monotonicities about a number of special functions relating toβ-function, thus revealing some profound regularities of the changes about extreme value ofβ-distri- bution density function.本文通过对无穷级数的一些特殊处理方法,深入分析了与β-函数有关的一些特殊函数中所蕴含的某些单调性质,从而揭示了β-分布的密度函数极值变化的一些深刻规律性。BqU汉语字典

Based on the theory of stochastic process and the method of numerical analysis,probability density function for the feeder current of traction substations was fitted by using the β-function and the statistical analysis of extensive recorded data of the feeder current.基于随机过程理论,采用数值分析方法,通过对大量实测数据的统计分析,用β-函数拟合牵引变电所馈线电流的概率密度。BqU汉语字典

Morover,we discuss theβ-convex,and get lots of importante results about theβ-convex functions.在第二章中,本人主要探讨了F~*-空间的若干问题,包括齐性范空间中Mazur-Ulam定理的证明以及赋β-范空间凸性的讨论,并且进一步研究了β-凸函数,得到一些重要的结果。BqU汉语字典