




1)x-intercept,x轴截距2)x-intercept,x轴上的截距3)y-intercept,y轴截距4)axial intercept,轴截距5)axial intercept,轴向最小截距6)Yintercept of line,直线在Y轴上的截距



Y intercept of line直线在Y轴上的截距gTe汉语字典

The distance from the origin to the point at which a line, curve, or surface intersects a coordinate axis.截距从原点到一条直线、曲线或平面上的点的距离,与坐标轴相交gTe汉语字典

R is the slope of the straight line and B its ordinate at the origin.r是直线的斜率,B是直线在纵坐标上的截距。gTe汉语字典

the value at which a line intersects a coordinate axis.在坐标轴上截取的线段。gTe汉语字典

To study relationship area under ROC curve with intercept and slope.目的 探索ROC曲线下面积与ROC曲线在ND轴上的截距、斜率的关系。gTe汉语字典

Relationship of the area under ROC curve with ntercept and slopeROC曲线下面积与其在标准偏差轴上的截距、斜率关系gTe汉语字典

The coordinate representing the position of a point along a line perpendicular to the y-axis in a plane Cartesian coordinate system.横坐标笛卡尔坐标系中在平面上用以表示一点位置所用的垂直于y轴的直线gTe汉语字典

It appears as a small gnomon with lines extending in each major direction (along the X, Y, and Zaxis).它看起来象是一个小的指时针和在每个主要的轴向上(x,y,Z轴)的线的延伸。gTe汉语字典

stub-supported coaxial短截线支撑的同轴线gTe汉语字典

Intercept Change SV Model and Its Empirical Evidence in Shanghai Stock Market;变截距SV模型及其在上海股市的实证gTe汉语字典

Thread is wound on spools.线是绕在线轴上的。gTe汉语字典

Application of Auto Oil-filling System for Bearing in Linear Vibrating Screen轴承自动注油系统在直线振动筛上的应用gTe汉语字典

Create Explicit Key PositionY创建Y轴的位置直接关键帧gTe汉语字典

Create Explicit Key Rotation Y创建Y轴的旋转直接关键帧gTe汉语字典

Hence, the antenna along the y-axis does not send any light to the observer directly below it.因此,沿y轴的天线,对y轴正下方的观察者不发送任何光波gTe汉语字典

A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line.抛物线到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线gTe汉语字典

The deepest penetration up to date is a distance of thirty-eight miles as the crow flies.截至目前,突入敌军阵地最深的是直线距离三十八哩。gTe汉语字典

perpendicular cut(与轴成)垂直(截面)截割gTe汉语字典