
s curve

s curve



1)s curve,S形曲线2)S-shape curve,S形曲线3)S-curve,S形曲线4)reverse curves,S形平曲线5)inverse sigmoid curve,反S形曲线6)S curve of speed,S形速度曲线

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This paper analysises the reason of losing step or crawling when step motor accelerate or decelerate,and introduces a method to accelerate or decelerate the speed of step motor controlled by singlechip following S curve.分析了步进电机升降频时发生失步、过冲的原因,提出了一种单片机控制的步进电机按S形曲线升降频的方法。bE0汉语字典

We formulate double S-shape curve model.在Logistic模型的基础上,对一类空间饱和容量会随着时间发生变化的问题进行了讨论,指出了Lo-gistic模型应用在这类问题上的局限性,建立了解决该类问题的双S形曲线模型。bE0汉语字典

In order to reduce the impulsion of the platform during the moving part accelerates or decelerates,it takes S-curve to smooth the kinematic trajectory of the positioning system.为了减小运动部件加减速过程中对整个平台的冲击,在进行运动轨迹规划时,采用了S形曲线对定位系统的运动轨迹进行了平滑处理,有效降低了运动部件对系统的冲击,有利于系统的减振。bE0汉语字典

Considering delay property of tire s lateral deformation in reverse curves design and control;考虑轮胎侧弯变形迟滞特性的S形平曲线设计控制bE0汉语字典

This stroke control system have functions of automatic formation of S curve of speed,speed presetting and speed supervision and controlling.此行程控制系统具有S形速度曲线自动形成、预置速度给定值、速度监视与控制功bE0汉语字典

Nonlinear Regression Model of Generalized S-Curve and Its Applications in Bibliometrics;广义S形曲线非线性回归模型及其在文献计量学中的应用bE0汉语字典

small pale-colored desert rattlesnake of southwestern United States; body moves in an S-shaped curve.美国西南部沙漠中的苍白色的小响尾蛇;身体以S形曲线移动。bE0汉语字典

A roofing tile with an S - shaped profile, laid so that the down curve of one tile overlaps the up curve of the next one.波形瓦横断面为不对称的S形曲线的一种屋顶瓦,交替放置以使各相邻瓦片之间的曲线上下衔接bE0汉语字典

ogee curve双弯曲线, s形曲线bE0汉语字典

The external auditory canal makes a slightly S-shaped curve.外听道形如一S型的曲线。bE0汉语字典

[font=Tahoma][size=3]Here's another S curve that forms a diagonal leading line.这是另一种s曲线,它形成了一条对角指引线。bE0汉语字典

So, the S curve is an attractive shape to look for when you compose a photograph.因此,S曲线在构图时是一个很能吸引人的形状。bE0汉语字典

Construction Methods about Inverted S-shaped Steel Concrete Duct Shuttering;倒“S”曲线形钢筋混凝土风道模板施工方法bE0汉语字典

isothermal transformation curve(c曲线, S曲线) 等温转变曲线bE0汉语字典

Method of Estimating In-plane Shear S-N Curve of Unidirectional Laminate from Off-axis Tension S -N Curve由单向层压板偏轴拉伸S-N曲线估算面内剪切S-N曲线的方法bE0汉语字典

Forming a curved configuration.成曲线形的,弯曲的bE0汉语字典

The Realization of S-curve of Trigonometric Function on TMS320F2812 Chip三角函数S曲线在芯片TMS320F2812上的实现bE0汉语字典

Experimental Research on P-S-N Curve of Concrete Fatigue Life混凝土疲劳寿命P-S-N曲线的试验bE0汉语字典

The flamingo has relaxed, and his neck now forms a pleasing S curve against a better background.火烈鸟现在很悠闲,它的脖子在一个较好的背景的映衬下形成了一个优美的S曲线。bE0汉语字典

Dynamic Origin of the S-shape Demand Curve:A Population Model of Fashion Goods with Social Interaction among ConsumersS形需求曲线的动态起源——消费者社会相互作用下时尚商品的群体模型bE0汉语字典

A bend or curve, especially in a shoreline.弯曲,弓形弯曲或弓形,尤指海岸线bE0汉语字典

Numerical Study of Nonlinear Pulsatile Flow in S-Shaped Curved Arteries;S型弯曲动脉中非线性脉动流的数值研究bE0汉语字典

Extreme Maximum Model and Application for the Probabilistic Fatigue S-N Relations;概率疲劳设计S-N曲线的极大值模型及应用bE0汉语字典