The evolution of S shape signifies a deep pursuit of both image and artistic expression.S形及太极图的符号化、象征化,其美学意义在于:体现着汉民族中传统意象思维模式,它所负载的楚文化发展出的道家的思想文化观念,与先人以八卦形成的对世界宇宙的象征自然融合在一起,象征着中国人的宇宙观和艺术观,成为南方文化的典型图形,与北方华夏民族文化思想观念遥相呼应,互为融合,共同造就了炎黄同尊、龙凤呈祥的华夏文明。ok6汉语字典
Lippes loop利普斯双S形节育环ok6汉语字典
steep-S flexible riser高弯度S形挠性立管ok6汉语字典
Submanifilds with Parallel M(?)BIUS Form in S~n;S~n中M(?)BIUS形式平行的子流形ok6汉语字典
Numerical Study on Technique Parameters for Multi-point Stretch Forming on S-shape Skins;S形蒙皮件多点拉形工艺参数的数值模拟研究ok6汉语字典
Anti-sociable numbers with the form 2~sp~(2t)(s,t∈Z~+,s>1)形如2~sp~(2t)(s,t∈Z~+,s>1)的数是孤立数ok6汉语字典
The S(n)-closed and S(n)-θ-closed Properties of θ-complexθ-复形的S(n)-闭性质及S(n)-θ-闭性质ok6汉语字典
I made a sigmate hook.我做了一个s 形的钩子。ok6汉语字典
steep-S power cable高弯度s形电源电缆ok6汉语字典
double S 22-degree angle wrench双s形22度斜口扳手ok6汉语字典
lazy-S electrical power cable低弯度s形电源电缆ok6汉语字典
lazy-S umbilical低弯度s形控制管缆ok6汉语字典
ogee curve双弯曲线, s形曲线ok6汉语字典
Bowman′s Layer defect can cause haze.Bowman′s层缺损会引起角膜雾浊 ,Haze形成。ok6汉语字典
a pointed arch having an S-shape on both sides.两侧都有一个s形的尖顶拱。ok6汉语字典
Most plural nouns terminate in' s'.大多数名词的复数形式是以s结尾的。ok6汉语字典
The road turns sharply and shapes like on @s@.道路的弯道很急,形状像“S”。ok6汉语字典
The external auditory canal makes a slightly S-shaped curve.外听道形如一S型的曲线。ok6汉语字典
Silence and Talk--On Different Female Characters in The Scarlet Letter and S.;沉默与言说——论《红字》与《S.》中的女性形象ok6汉语字典