


基本解释:R 估计


1)R-estimator,R 估计2)R-estimation,R估计3)R/S estimation,R/S估计4)r-k estimator,r-k估计5)R/S estimator,R/S估计器6)r-stage moment uniform estimate,r-阶矩相合估计7)R-estimator of location,位置R估计量8)R-estimator of scale,尺度R估计量9)estimation,估计10)estimate,估计

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This paper studies and compares the mended whole instances of fitting question of multiple linear or nonlinear of linear based on least squares method, and brings forwarda selecting method for all possible fitting equations, and finds R-estimation used in a kind.对基于最小二乘法的多元线性或可化为线性的非线性拟合问题,对一切可能方程的求法进行了改进,并对各种方法进行了全面比较研究,最后找到了适用于混凝土疲劳这一类特殊问题拟合的R估计方法。tHO汉语字典

Every sorted datum is compared with a counted datum which is not among primordial data,and being circularly replaced and compared,so that the number of repeated data is counted in every dimension array and the rank of every element is computed by the definition of the rank,the primordial data can be used to R-estimation by finding index table and lea.主要是对原始数据文本按列循环读入一维数组之中,先对一维数组利用冒泡法进行排序,再利用索引表和最小二乘法对原始数据进行R估计,然后对拟合方程的自变量进行了高阶构造,利用主成分分析方法寻求主要影响因素,并结合最小二乘法,从而实现对逐步回归方法的替代。tHO汉语字典

In this paper,we get the R/S estimations of HURST dimension through computing the historical data of Hang Seng Index and Shanghai Index,and study the similarity of two indexes.本文通过对恒生指数和上证指数历史数据的处理,给出HURST维数的R/S估计,进而研究两个股票指数的相似性。tHO汉语字典

This paper gives R/S estimation of the dimension of B share index with some empirical data.本文通过对中国B股市场指数 2 0 0 1年 2年前后历史数据的处理 ,给出了指数维数的R/S估计。tHO汉语字典

The choices of two biased parameters in r-k estimator are discussed in this paper.本文讨论r-k估计中两个偏参数r和k的选取问题,并且通过大量模拟计算获得了许多很有意义的结果,特别是验证了在一定条件下r-k估计明显优于LS估计、岭估计和主成分估计。tHO汉语字典

Estimation on Scale of HIV AIDS High Risk Population and Prediction on Epidemic Situation in Shandong Province;山东省艾滋(bìng)高危人群规模估计及疫情预测tHO汉语字典

Study on the Estimation of the Origin-Destination Matrix;OD矩阵估计问题研究综述tHO汉语字典

Two kinds of estimation of mixed geographically weighted regression model;混合地理加权回归模型的两种估计tHO汉语字典

Preliminary Estimates of Prevalent HIV Infection in Adults in Hunan for 2005 with Workbook Method;试用Workbook方法对2005年湖南省HIV感染现状进行初步估计tHO汉语字典

Eigenvalue estimates of Laplacian and some generalizations;Laplace算子的特征值估计及推广tHO汉语字典

Parameter Estimate of the Wood Growth Equation;树木生长方程参数的估计