
l-adic representation

l-adic representation

基本解释:l 进表示


1)l-adic representation,l 进表示2)"l L" precession,"l-L"旋进3)l-adic Galois representation,l-adic Galois表示4)L display,L-型显示5)L/S of feed,进料L/S6)L scale,L量表

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By using the vector model of atom and the relation between the kinetic energy increment that "l L" precession bring for the valence electron and the corresponding interaction energy, the author presents a general formula to estimate "l L" precession angular velocity of two valence electron atom.借助于原子的矢量模型 ,利用“l-L”旋进带来的价电子动能增量与其相应的相互作用能的关系 ,给出了估算两价电子原子“l-L”旋进快慢的一般表示式 。P39汉语字典

Analysis on relationship between L scale of MMPI and military personnel selection test;MMPI测验L量表分与人员选拔测验结果间相关性分析P39汉语字典

Analysis on relationship between L scale of MMPI and military personnel selection test;MMPI测验L量表分与人员选拔测验结果间相关性分析P39汉语字典

Development and Application of BTL-L-YZ2.0 Scale of Athlete s Willpower;BTL-L-YZ 2.0运动员意志品质量表的编制与应用P39汉语字典

The comparision between two international QOL questionnaire of lung cancer:EORTC QLQ-LC43 and FACT-L两种国际肺癌患者生活质量量表EORTC QLQ-LC43与FACT-L的比较P39汉语字典

The Influence of Dietary L-arginine Supplementary on the Content of NF-κB and Expression of VCAM-1 in the Aorta of Hypercholesterolemic Rats;L-精氨酸对高脂喂饲大鼠动脉NF-κB含量及VCAM-1表达的影响P39汉语字典

Fuzzy Repressentation Theory of L~*-Lindenbraum Algebra;L~*-Lindenbaum代数的Fuzzy表示定理P39汉语字典

Fuel tank (main/sub)燃油箱容量 主/辅(L)P39汉语字典

Preparation and Characterization of L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine-Zn~(2+) Chelate;L-丙氨酰-L-谷氨酰胺-Zn~(2+)螯合物制备及表征P39汉语字典

The Square Coloring, L(2,1)-Labelling and List L(2,1)-Labelling of Graphs;图的平方着色、L(2,1)-标号以及列表L(2,1)-标号P39汉语字典

Construction and Expression of Genetically Engineered Antibodies to Human Lipocalin-type Prostaglandin D Synthase;抗人L-PGDS基因工程抗体的构建及表达P39汉语字典

Properties of Induced R(L)-topological Space and Statement Theory;R(L)-型诱导空间的性质与表示定理P39汉语字典

Terrain Surface Parameters Inversion Using L Band Polinsar Images;L波段PolInSAR图像地表参数反演方法研究P39汉语字典

Preparation of the complex of L-Alanine acid with Cu(Ⅱ);L-丙氨酸螯合(Ⅱ)的合成研究及表征P39汉语字典

The Interpretation of“俱旅(jǜlǚ)”--On the Etymological Interpretation of“k-1-”In the Inflexion;训“俱旅”——兼及表“屈曲”义的“k-l-”词族P39汉语字典

A Study of the Expression of Fas after Fluid Percussion Brain Injury in Rats;Fas-L在大鼠脑液压冲击伤后的表达P39汉语字典

An Equivalent Expression about Conditional Expectation in L~2(Ω,F,P)L~2(Ω,F,P)中条件期望的等价表述P39汉语字典

Synthesis and Characterization of a New Complex:[Cu(mpa)L]·H_2O配合物[Cu(mpa)L]·H_2O的水热合成与表征P39汉语字典

Synthesis and Characterization of a New Schiff Base from L-lysine新型L-赖氨酸席夫碱的合成与表征P39汉语字典

His middle initial was "L," but 1 never knew what the L represented.他中间名字的首字母是“L”,但是我从来不知道那“L”代表什么字。P39汉语字典