
n dimensional skeleton

n dimensional skeleton



1)n dimensional skeleton,n维骨架2)Two-dimensional framework,二维骨架3)3D skeleton,三维骨架4)bone 3D scaffold,骨三维支架5)3-D bone scaffold,三维骨支架6)skeleton,n.骨骼;骨架a.骨骼的

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The Study on 3D Reconstruction of Coronary Arterial Tree s Skeleton Based on Single-plane Coronary Angiograms;冠状动脉树三维骨架重建方法的研究6P4汉语字典

Recovering Human Body Configurations and 3D Model Simulation;视频中的人体运动捕捉及三维骨架重建6P4汉语字典

3D CAD Model Similarity Estimation Method Based on Dilation;基于蔓延骨架的三维CAD模型相似性评价研究6P4汉语字典

Extraction and Recognition of Human Skeleton and 3D Modeling Based on Video Sequence基于视频序列的人体骨架提取与三维重建6P4汉语字典

Research Status of Preparation on the 3D Porous Scaffolds Used in the Bone Tissue Engineering骨组织工程用三维支架制备的研究现状6P4汉语字典

Parallel 3D skeletonization algorithm based on sort ascending rechecking基于升序复核的并行三维图像骨架化算法6P4汉语字典

Algorithm for Extracting Skeleton of 3D Human Body Model Based on Body Characteristic基于人体特征三维人体模型的骨架提取算法6P4汉语字典

A Novel Joining-Compounding Technology of 3D Co-Continuous Ceramic Skeleton三维双连续陶瓷骨架的粘接-复合新技术6P4汉语字典

Reconstruction of Bone Defect in the Femoral Head by Biomimetic Tissue Engineering Bone组织工程化三维仿骨支架重建股骨头坏死区研究6P4汉语字典

Treatment of elderly intertrochanteric fracture with closed reduction and three dimensional external fixation闭合复位三维外固定架治疗高龄股骨转子间骨折的体会6P4汉语字典

transfer girder维持中间柱的骨架桁6P4汉语字典

3-D Finite Element Models and Parameter Analysis of Endoskeletal Trans-tibial Monolimb;内骨架式一体化小腿假肢的三维有限元模型及参数分析6P4汉语字典

3-Dimensional Porous Scaffolds Consisted of Hydroxyapatite Spherules and Their Induction to Ectopia Bone Gorwth in Vivo羟基灰石球粒堆积三维多孔支架及其体内异位成骨6P4汉语字典

Three-dimensional culture of osteoblast seeded on titanium alloy scaffold with controlled internal structure fabricated using electron beam melting techniques in vitro可控微结构EBM支架与成骨细胞的体外三维复合培养6P4汉语字典

The Experimental Study of Repairing Laryngic Catilage Defect by Transplanting the Compound of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells and PLGA Porous Foam ScaffoldsBMSCs与PLGA三维生物支架复合修复喉软骨缺损的研究6P4汉语字典

Study on fabrication of biomimetic nanoscaled bone matrix by using imaging based three-dimensional construction基于三维CT图像重建研制纳米仿生骨基质支架的研究6P4汉语字典

β-TCP 3D Scaffolds for Mesenchymal Stem Cells in-situ Cryopreservationβ-TCP三维支架用于骨髓间充质干细胞原位冻存研究6P4汉语字典

The in Vivo Study of Three-dimensional Kinematics of Fractured Scaphoid;手舟骨骨折三维运动学在体实验研究6P4汉语字典