
k-partite graph

k-partite graph



1)k-partite graph,k分图2)k-subgraph,k-分图3)K-distribution,K分布4)k-distributed,K分布5)K-Distribution,K-分布6)K distribution,K分布

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Based on the graph-theoretic algorithm,which is used to generate k-partite graph from DNA sequences,and a theoretic algorithm which is used to search k-clique in k-partite graph,a new distributed parameterized algorithm is designed and implemented to solve Motif Finding problem.基于从DNA序列形成k分图的图理论算法和查找k-clique的理论算法,设计与实现了对Motif Finding问题求解的分布式参数算法。twQ汉语字典

The distribution of the time-varying scattering amplitude is studied,and the numerical results show that the distribution satisfies K-distribution with higher significant-slope(SS) and satisfies Rayleigh distribution with lower SS.结果表明在大特征斜率下散射场服从K分布,随着特征斜率的下降,散射场分布向瑞利分布退化。twQ汉语字典

This paper studies the K-distribution model of the radar clutter,expounds the principle of zero memory nonlinearity(ZMNL) transform method,gives the modeling and simulation process to generated K-distribution unequal clutter sequence based on ZMNL method.对雷达杂波的K分布模型进行研究,阐述了零记忆非线性(ZMNL)变换方法的原理,给出了基于ZMNL方法产生K分布非均匀杂波序列建模仿真过程。twQ汉语字典

In this paper,seven kinds of estimations of the parameters of K-distribution clutter based on the MOM approach are analyzed and compared with one another from the accuracy and complexity.从参数估计的精度和算法复杂度两个方面分析比较了矩与最大似然结合(MOM/ML)、分数阶矩、二/四阶矩、算术与几何均值比(MA/MG)、正规化对数估计(NLE)、对数方差和zlog(z)期望等7种基于矩方法的K分布形状参数估计算法的性能,证明了几种估计算法之间的关系。twQ汉语字典

Analysis and Simulation of Two-dimensional Sea Clutter Based on Coherent K-distributed Model;基于相干K分布模型的二维海杂波分析与仿真twQ汉语字典

A new method for modeling and simulation of coherent k-distributed clutter is presented.提出了一种全新的相干K分布杂波模拟方法。twQ汉语字典

Applied fields of log-normal distributed model and K-distributed model were analyzed for the signal fading over strong turbulence.针对强湍流信道下信号衰落的特点,分析了对数正态分布模型与K分布模型的适用范围。twQ汉语字典

However,in the case of high resolu- tion and/or low grazing angles,the measured amplitude probability density function exhibits large deviations from the Rayleigh distribution but is better fitted by K-distribution.然而,随着现代雷达分辨率的提高及/或在低入射余角的情况下,测量到的海杂波幅度的概率密度函数(PDF)呈现出与瑞利分布很大的偏差,而与K-分布模型比较吻合。twQ汉语字典

A new two parameter CFAR detector in K-distribution clutter based on enhanced M-estimatorand OSGO-CFAR detector is proposed in this paper.该文基于改进的M-估计器和OSGO-CFAR检测器,提出了K-分布杂波背景下一种新的双参数恒虚警检测器,然后在均匀干扰背景中研究了这种检测器的性能,并与固定形状参数的OSGO-CFAR检测器进行了比较。twQ汉语字典

The characteristics of two parameter CFAR algorithm and K-distribution CFAR algorithm are analyzed.该文分析了双参数CFAR算法和K-分布CFAR算法的特点,将双参数CFAR算法局部窗口的概念应用到K-分布CFAR检测中,适应了SAR图像海面背景复杂且局域性强的情况,获得了较好的检测效果。twQ汉语字典

K distribution and its function table building;K分布及其函数表的生成twQ汉语字典

Based on Spherically Invariant Random Process(SIRP),this paper applies a new algorithm to model the clutter with K distribution in amplitude and any power density spectrum.文中基于球不变随机过程 (SIRP)的建模方法 ,针对实地采集的幅度满足 K分布并具有有理功率谱的高分辨率雷达杂波 ,运用现代谱估计算法对其进行建模和仿真 ,并以模拟杂波与实际杂波的数据对比和统计检验的结果对该方法进行了验twQ汉语字典

K distribution is a new mix model.K分布是一种新构造的混合模型。