
n coboundary

n coboundary



1)n coboundary,n上边缘2)verge,n.边缘;边界3)up contour point,上边缘点4)coboundary[kəu'baundəri],上边缘5)rising edge,上升边缘6)upper side,上侧,上边缘

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This paper gets the discrete version of the continuous horizontal complex via the finite element method, the finite element form of the vertical complex by virtue of the cochain, the vertical functional complex produced by the equivalence relation of the vertical forms through a coboundary operator.本文用有限元方法给出连续水平复形的离散形式,用上链定义了垂直复形的有限元形式,用上边缘算子构造出垂直形式的等价类,得到垂直泛函复形。9T4汉语字典

Returns/sets distance between internal left/top edge of an object and left/top edge of its container.返回/设置对象内部左/上边缘与其容器的左/上边缘之间的距离。9T4汉语字典

Distance from the top edge of the canvas to the top of the shape背景页面上边界和形状上边缘之间的距离9T4汉语字典

Mr.Shen Congwen-A Writer Who kept the Verge-Psychology in Creation;甘居边缘的人——沈从文创作上边缘心态的成因探析9T4汉语字典

a handsaw stiffened by metal along upper edge.上边缘属加固的手锯。9T4汉语字典

The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin.边沿,边缘浅底容器或自然盆地的边缘或最上边9T4汉语字典

On, by, with, or toward the edge.在边缘,在边沿上在、沿、带有、或朝向边的9T4汉语字典

sere vegetation at the edge of the desert.沙漠边缘上干枯的植物9T4汉语字典

on the rim of gear wheel.在齿轮的边缘上的东西。9T4汉语字典

a sloping edge on a cutting tool.切削工具上倾斜的边缘。9T4汉语字典

The upper edge of the side of a vessel.舷缘船只侧面的上部边缘9T4汉语字典

Edged the quilt with fanciful embroidery.棉被边缘被镶上奇特的镶边9T4汉语字典

The fence was built on the skirts of the property.在地的边缘上围上了篱笆。9T4汉语字典

They fall off in different directions from the prism over and beyond its edges.它们在棱柱边缘之上并超出边缘向各个方向减弱。9T4汉语字典

The horizontally projected distance from the point of the star facet to the edge of the table, relative to the distance between the table edge and the girdle edge.横排推算距离点的天星小面的边缘上表相对地之间的距离表边缘和肩带边缘.9T4汉语字典

We planted tulips along the side of the lawn.我们沿草坪的边缘种上了郁香.9T4汉语字典

Gilt: The decoration of one or more edges of a book with burnished gold leaf.箔装饰:在书本边缘刷上箔的情况。9T4汉语字典

The child perched the glass on the edge of the counter.这孩子把玻璃放在柜台的边缘上9T4汉语字典

a broad plank along a gunwale to keep water from splashing over the side.沿船舷上缘挡住两边溅起的水的板子。9T4汉语字典