
type I error

type I error



1)type I error,I型误差2)i angle error,i角误差3)Type I error rates,I型错误率4)error model,误差模型5)modeling error,造型误差6)Formative errors,造型误差

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Improvement of experimental method for i angle error inspection of level;检验水准仪i角误差实验方法的改进6cM汉语字典

Establishment and analysis on high-order error model of FOG SINS;光纤捷联惯导系统高阶误差模型的建立与分析6cM汉语字典

Effect of three error models on north-seeking precision for differential laser gyro with four frequencies;四频差动激光陀螺三种误差模型对寻北精度的影响6cM汉语字典

The location precision on the error model of 2D generic curve in vector GIS;矢量GIS平面一般曲线误差模型定位精度6cM汉语字典

It is concluded from the analysis of main parameters influencing the modeling error that 1 ) Machining efficiency and accuracy can be obviously improved by adjusting the install.针对大型光学非球面制造难度大的缺点,根据非球面的轴对称性,在对非球面方程及曲率分析基础上,采用简便的二轴联动超精密磨削机床,给出两种砂轮加工光学非球面的几何模型,分析了形成光学非球面造型误差的主要影响参数,并通过计算机仿真,得到一系列有价值的结果,即:(1)调整平行砂轮安装角以获得最大行程,可明显提高加工效率和精度;(2)为提高加工精度与效率,在保证砂轮形状精度前提下,带角圆砂轮应采用较大的角圆半径;(3)在加工效率、精度以及质量的稳定性上,带角圆砂轮比平行砂轮有显著的优势;(4)平行砂轮加工成本低,在缓变非球面的粗磨阶段,可用其以较小的安装角度达到加工要求。6cM汉语字典

Influence of Temperature on DiNi12 Digital Level Angle i Error and Corresponding Strategy温度对DiNi12数字水准仪i角误差的影响及应对措施6cM汉语字典

A SINS Nonlinear Error Model Reflecting Better Characteristics of SINS Errors基于欧拉平台误差角的SINS非线性误差模型研究6cM汉语字典

The Reflected Beam's Phase Aberration Induced by the Fabrication Errors of Corner Cube Retroreflector角锥棱镜的误差引起的反射光束相位误差分析6cM汉语字典

This article discussed the method to reduce the error of the calculation from three aspects: error by not in-phase, difference in sample frequency and ideal sample frequency, and finite register length effects.本文从减小同步误差、小频差序数和减小舍入误差等三个方面入手,减小功率因数角的计算误差。6cM汉语字典

Analysis of Inspection and Measuring Method for 120° Distributing Angle Errors of Crankshaft Crankpins曲轴曲拐120°角度误差检测方法分析6cM汉语字典

The Optical Lever Enlarging Method Produced Error Because of the Angle;光杠杆放大法测量中α角产生的误差6cM汉语字典

Simulation Analysis of Phase-compare Angle Measurement Error Caused by Multipath over Sea Surface海面多路径下比相测角误差仿真分析6cM汉语字典

Covariance Analysis of Missile-to-Target LOS Pointing Angle Error for SAM地空导弹弹目视线指向预定角误差协方差分析6cM汉语字典

A Novel Polarization Angle Sensor and Error Compensation Algorithm for Navigation新型仿生偏振测角传感器及角度误差补偿算法6cM汉语字典

Effect of Helix Angle Errors on Transmission Error of Double Circle Arc Helical Gears双圆弧齿轮的螺旋角误差对其传动误差的影响分析6cM汉语字典

Through polar coordinate method error calculus demonstrated that the setting-out point error is mainly caused by angle measurement error.通过对极坐标法误差的计算论证了放样点误差主要是由测角误差引起。6cM汉语字典

Cultural Misunderstanding: Two Cases Studied;文化误读二题——“听”、“I”透析6cM汉语字典

alignment error安装误差;调准误差;定线误差;校正误差;校直误差6cM汉语字典

Secondly there is error between thethread roll angles of thread rolling die and drill rod.滚丝轮螺纹和钻杆螺纹的螺旋角有误差。6cM汉语字典

The error in azimuth must be controlled by astronomical observations for azimuth(and longit ude).方位误差必须观测天文方位角(及经度)来控制。6cM汉语字典

The error pickoff is an angle-to-voltage transducer.误差检测器是把角度转换为电压的传感器。6cM汉语字典

Simplified Algorithm for Trigonometry Meshes with Attributes Based on Quadric Error Metric基于二次误差测度的带属性三角网格简化算法6cM汉语字典

Posture error analysis on the Cartesian coordinates serial-parallel robot with redundant drive冗余驱动直角坐标串并联机器人位姿误差分析6cM汉语字典