
parabola of order n

parabola of order n



1)parabola of order n,n阶抛物线2)high-order parabola,高阶抛物线3)n-order parabola,n次抛物线4)fitting of the second degree parabola,二阶抛物线拟合5)parabolic type of n order,n次抛物线型6)fourth-order parabola,四阶抛物

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The Anisotropic Finite Element Methods for Fourth Order Parabolic Equations;四阶抛物方程的各向异性有限元方法h53汉语字典

A Summary for the Development of a Nonlinear Fourth-Order Parabolic Equation;一类非线性四阶抛物方程的发展综述h53汉语字典

Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Fourth Order Parabolic Equations;四阶抛物方程的间断时空有限元方法h53汉语字典

A Two-Level Explicit Finite Difference Scheme of High Accuracy for Solving Four Order Parabolic Equations;四阶抛物型方程高精度两层显格式h53汉语字典

The Asymptotic Behavior of the Solution of a Fourth order Parabolic Equation一类四阶抛物型方程的解的渐近行为h53汉语字典

Absolutely Stable Difference Schemes of High Accuracy for solving Four Order Parabolic Equation四阶抛物型方程的绝对稳定高精度差分格式h53汉语字典

On the Initial Boundary Value Problem of a Nonlinear Fourth-order Parabolic Equation;一类非线性四阶抛物方程的初边值问题h53汉语字典

Parallel alternating group explicit schemes for fourth order parabolic equations;四阶抛物方程——一类新的交替分组显格式h53汉语字典

A Class of Three-layer Implicit Difference Schemes of High Accuracy for Solving Four Order Parabolic Equations;四阶抛物型方程一族三层的高精度隐式格式h53汉语字典

A Two Layer Implicit Difference Schemes of High Accuracy for Solving Four Order Parabolic Equations;四阶抛物型方程一个两层的高精度隐式格式h53汉语字典

A Class of Absolutely Stable Implicit Difference Schemes for Solving Four Order Parabolic Equations;四阶抛物型方程的一族恒稳隐式格式h53汉语字典

Explicit Difference Scheme of 3 Level High Accuracy for Solving Four Order Parabolic Equation;四阶抛物型方程的三层高精度显格式h53汉语字典

A New Explicit Difference for Solving Four Order Parabolic Equation;四阶抛物型方程的一个新的高精度显格式h53汉语字典

Spline Solutions for Four Order Parabolic Equations Based on the Sub-domain Precise Integration Method四阶抛物型方程基于子域精细积分的样条解h53汉语字典

The Regularity of Global Weak Solution for a Fourth-order Parabolic Equation一个四阶抛物方程整体弱解的正则性(英文)h53汉语字典

The Existence of Weak Solutions for a Fourth Order Degenerate Parabolic Equation with Nonlinear Relation;一个具有非线性关系的退化四阶抛物方程弱解的存在性h53汉语字典

The Existence of Weak Solution for a Fourth Order Degenerate Parabolic Equation with Nonlinear Item一个带非线性项的退化四阶抛物方程弱解的存在性h53汉语字典

The Asymptotic Behavior of Weak Solutions for a Fourth Order Degenerate Parabolic Equation with Nonlinear Relation一个具有非线性关系的退化四阶抛物方程弱解的渐近行为h53汉语字典