
equivalent fiber bundle in g

equivalent fiber bundle in g



1)equivalent fiber bundle in g,g等价纤维丛2)fibre bundle,纤维丛3)fiber bundle,纤维丛4)principal fiber bundle,主纤维丛5)plexus,乱纤维丛6)product fiber bundle,积纤维丛

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Restricting the homeomorphism on the fibres of fibre bundles π:G(2,8)→S6 and τ:CP3 →S4 respectively,we get the set of complex structures on the tangent spaces of S6 and S4 respectively.进一步,将此同胚限制于纤维丛π:G(2,8)→S6的每一纤维,给出S6的切空间上保定向的复结构;限制于纤维丛τ:CP3→S4的纤维,又可以给出S4的切空间上的复结构。IQx汉语字典

In this paper,we use Clifford algebra to construct a map γ:G(2,8)→S 6,which makes Grassmann manifold G(2,8) a fibre bundle with the fibre CP 3.利用Clifford代数建立映射γ :G(2 ,8)→S6,它使Grassmann流形G(2 ,8)成为单位球面S6 上的纤维丛 ,纤维型是复射影空间CP3。IQx汉语字典

In the article, the author advances the concept of grolongation group of Lie transfor-mation group in a visual and pithy way,and resolve the coefficient problem of prolongation op-erator by using the method of fibre bundle,namely Lemma 1.该文提出李变换群延拓群的概念,并运用纤维丛方法解决了延拓群算子中的系数问题。IQx汉语字典

A fiber bundle model based on manifold learning;基于流形学习的纤维丛模型研究IQx汉语字典

Suppose M~n and N~m are closed smooth manifolds,p:M~n→N~m is the projection of fiber bundle.设 M~n,N~m 是光滑闭流形,p:M~n→N~m 为纤维丛投射,研究了当 N~m 为 RP(2)×RP(2)×RP(2)时,哪些上协边类具有代表元 M~n 使得 N~m 具有 N~m 上的纤维丛表示,另外,当n=19,21时,还决定了满足下述条件的最大值 m:存在不可分解的上协边类 a_n 及其代表元 M~n 使得 M~n 具有实射影空间 RP(m)上的纤维丛表示。IQx汉语字典

Suppose Mn and Nm are closed smooth manifolds, p : Mn - Nm is the projection of fiber bundle .设M~n,N~m是光滑闭流形,p:M~n→N~m为纤维丛投射。IQx汉语字典

Reasearch on the Fiber Bundle Learning Algorithms Based on Manifold Learning;基于流形学习的纤维丛学习算法研究IQx汉语字典

Three Ways to Research on Relationship between Gauge Fields and Fiber Bundles有关规范场与纤维丛关系问题的三次阐释IQx汉语字典

The Work of Wu Taitsun and Yang Chenning on the Relations Between Gauge Fields and Fiber Bundles吴大峻、杨振宁在规范场与纤维丛关系问题上的工作IQx汉语字典

In this paper we deal with some properties of cobordism classes of fiber bundles over the real projective space.本文研究了底空间为实射影空间时上协边类纤维丛表示的若干性质.IQx汉语字典

Do plexiform neurofibromas ever become cancerous? They can become cancerous, but this is rare.丛状纤维瘤会变成癌症吗?会,但机会很小。IQx汉语字典

How common are they? Plexiform neurofibromas occur in about15 percent of people with NF1.丛状纤维瘤的发生率有多普遍?第一型神经纤维瘤的(bìng)友有15%发生率。IQx汉语字典

The chemical composition and fiber characteristics ol two sympodial bamboos have been studied in this paper.研究了两种产自云南的丛生竹的化学组成和纤维特性。IQx汉语字典

Influence of eco environment on crude fibre resolvability of ruminal microbial flora in vitro culture.主要生态环境变化对离体瘤胃菌丛降解粗纤维能力的影响IQx汉语字典

Cellulose acetate-fiber two-acetate fiber,three-acetate fiber纤维素酯纤维:二醋酯纤维、三醋酯纤维IQx汉语字典

2.Light microscope: there was edema in ganglion cell layer, and ganglion cell decrease progressively.光镜观察:神经纤维层及内丛状层水肿逐渐加重,神经节细胞数量递减,内核层排列疏松;IQx汉语字典

Chinese lady palm with more slender stems and finer sheath fibers than Rhapis excelsa.我国的一种丛生茎棕竹,比一般棕竹具有更多的细茎以及更好的粗纤维。IQx汉语字典

high denier fibre粗纤度纤维,粗旦纤维,高旦纤维IQx汉语字典

The cilia were very densely packed together. Goblet cells covered by microvilli were found in the cilia forests.纤毛丛生,纤毛丛中杂以被覆微绒毛的杯形细胞,纤毛膜光滑。IQx汉语字典

Brill-Noether Theory for Rank Two Vector Bundles;二维向量丛的Brill-Noether理论IQx汉语字典

cospinning fibre共纺纤维(亦称混抽纤维)IQx汉语字典

ion-exchange cellulose fibre离子交换纤维素纤维IQx汉语字典

sodium carboxymethyl cellulose fibre羧甲基纤维素钠纤维IQx汉语字典

high shrinkage fibre高缩率纤维,高收缩纤维IQx汉语字典