
D-optimal design

D-optimal design



1)D-optimal design,D-优化设计2)D-optimized design,D饱和优化设计3)D-optimal design,D-最优设计4)D-optimal design,D最优设计5)D-saturation optimization design,D-饱和最优化设计6)D-saturation optimum design,D饱和最优设计

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The Linear log quotient Mixture Model for the design space, there has been the analysis solution of D-optimal design given an A- optimal design by professor Guan Ying nan.针对设计空间为的线性对数比模型 ,已有D-最优设计的分析形式的解并由关颖男教授给出了A -最优设计。yDB汉语字典

Three major methods of experimental design, such as Orthogonal design, D-optimal design and U-niform design are reviewed and compared.论述和比较了三种主要的试验设计:正交设计、D-最优设计、均匀设计,探讨其在化工工艺中的应用。yDB汉语字典

In the paper,We induce high degree Polnomial regression models D-optimal design in [-1,1]with the help of inserting Points and get the same conclusion as literature[1]in another han利用插值详细推导了[-1,1]上多项式回归模型饱和D-最优设计的条件,从另一角度得到与文献[1]相同的结yDB汉语字典

【 Method】 The micro-spot trials were carried out in rain-protection shed under the condition of drip fertigation by“311-B”D-saturation optimum design.【方法】在滴灌施肥条件下,采用“311-B”D饱和最优设计,通过旱棚防雨条件下进行田间微区试验。yDB汉语字典

Application of saturation D-optimum design for induction of Lilium brownii var. viridulum bulblet derived from squamule of bulb饱和D-最优设计在龙牙百合小鳞茎诱导中的应用yDB汉语字典

Optimal design of accelerometer experiment in gravitational field based on D-optimal theory基于D-最优的加速度计重力场试验优化设计yDB汉语字典

Optimization the Formulations of Nimodipine Matrix Tablet Using D-Optimal Mixture DesignD-最优混料设计优化尼莫地平骨架片的处方yDB汉语字典

D-optimal Orthogonal Block Designs with Parameter Estimation for the Additive Mixture Models可加混料模型参数估计的D-最优正交区组设计yDB汉语字典

D-optimal Allocation of Axial Designs for Additive Mixture Model;可加混料模型轴设计的D-最优配置问题yDB汉语字典

The A-、D-、E-Optimal Design of One-Factor Comparative Experiments with Unequal Frequencies不等重复单因素比较试验的A-、D-、E-最优设计yDB汉语字典

Application of D-Saturation Optimum Regression Design in Herbicide Mixed LigandD-饱和最优回归设计在除草剂混配中的应用yDB汉语字典

Simulation of Neyer D-Optimal Senstivity TestNeyer D-最优化法感度试验的计算机模拟yDB汉语字典

Optimize Design of 8-Bit SAR A/D Converter;8位逐次逼近A/D转换器的优化设计yDB汉语字典

Design & Dynamic Structural Optimization on Rapid Prototyping Desktop System MEM200-D;桌面化快速成形系统MEM200-D设计与动态结构优化yDB汉语字典

Design and Optimization of Decimation Filter in Σ-Δ A/D ConverterΣ-Δ A/D转换器中抽样滤波器的设计和优化yDB汉语字典

The Structure Optimization of Magnetostrictive Actuator with Multiple Terfenol-D Rods多Terfenol-D棒磁致伸缩作动器结构优化设计yDB汉语字典

optimization of vertical curves(用电子计算机设计) 竖曲线最优设计yDB汉语字典

Optimal Control and Design Optimization for Piezoelectric Intelligent Truss压电智能桁架的最优控制及优化设计yDB汉语字典

Well-optimized Teaching and Learning Design with Its Best Efficiency;教学设计最优化 教学效率最大化yDB汉语字典

The Quantitative Analysis of Performing Obligations in a Transference Contract of R&D Achievements:Designment of Incentive Strategies and Optimal Efficiency;R&D成果转让合同履约的定量分析:激励对策与优效设计yDB汉语字典

Optimizing General Drawing Design for 100×10~4 m~3/d Light Hydrocarbon Recovery Plant in Liaohe Oilfield辽河油田100万m~3/d天然气轻烃回收装置的总图优化设计yDB汉语字典

Selection of A/D、D/A Converter in System Design;系统设计中A/D、D/A转换器选择yDB汉语字典