
kernel of integral transform

kernel of integral transform



1)kernel of integral transform,[积分变换的]核2)integral transformation,积分变换3)integral transforms,积分变换4)integral transform,积分变换5)invariant integral kernel,不变积分核6)Bartky Transformation Method of Elliptic Integral Calculation,椭圆积分的Bartky变换法

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Solution of shear connector's embedded length in steel column base by dual function integral transformation method钢柱脚抗剪键埋深的对偶函数积分变换解法QOG汉语字典

Focal point in this paper is integral transformation and integral function design for original waveform.文章采用一种类似于地震处理中使用的相似算法,检测地层波的波至,计算地层波到达时间,从而提取地层波首波能量;重点阐述在进行相关对比前,对原始波形的积分变换以及积分函数的设计方法。QOG汉语字典

The stiffness matrix for a layer is derived firstly based on the fundamental thermal elasticity equations and some mathematic methods such as Hankel and Laplace integral transformation.把沥青路面视为多层弹性半空间轴对称体,利用热弹性力学以及Hankel和Laplace积分变换等数学方法,首先推导出任意一层沥青路面温度应力的刚度矩阵,然后按传统的有限元方法组成总体刚度矩阵。QOG汉语字典

The shear moduli is assumed to be of exponential form, the stress field and displacement field for an infinite mediums of FGM are present at the crack tip by making use of integral transforms and dual integral equations, a set of dual integral equations is solved by using Schmidt’s method.利用积分变换和对偶积分方程求解出无限大功能梯度材料反平面裂纹尖端的应力场和位移场,并用Schmidt方法对裂纹尖端的应力场进行了数值求解,与经典理论的解答相反,裂纹尖端应力场的奇异性不存在,裂纹尖端应力幅值随梯度参数的增加而降低。QOG汉语字典

By using nonlocal linear elasticity theory, integral transforms and dual integral equations, the stress field and displacement field are present at the crack tip, a set of dual integral equations is solved using Schmidt's method.用非局部线弹性理论研究了无限大功能梯度材料反平面的裂纹问题,利用积分变换和对偶积分方程求解出裂纹尖端的应力场和位移场,并利用Schmidt方法进行了数值求解,与经典的解答相反,裂纹尖端应力场的奇异性不存在,裂纹尖端应力随梯度参数和原子晶格参数的增加而降低。QOG汉语字典

By using integral transforms and dual integral equations, the dynamic stress field and dynamic stress intensity factors at the crack tip are obtained.材料的两个方向的剪切模量假定为指数模型 ,通过采用积分变换—积分方程方法 ,求得了裂纹尖端的动态应力场和动态应力强度因子 ,并研究了裂纹运动速度、几何尺寸、梯度参数和不均匀系数对动态应力强度因子的影响 。QOG汉语字典

The deflection pulse response function in the general Duhamel integration is got by using integral transform and the program of corresponding numerical inverse integral is worked out.采用积分变换的方法,求得了广义Duhamel积分式中的弯沉脉冲响应函数,并编制了相应的数值积分逆变换程序。QOG汉语字典

Here MATLAB is utilized to solve several problems in Complex variable function & integral transform,such as: residue,rational function,Fourier transform,Laplace transform and system of linear differential equations.本文利用MATLAB求解复变函数与积分变换中的留数、有理函数展开、富里叶变换、拉普拉斯变换和线性微分方程组等若干问题。QOG汉语字典

Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformatio复变函数与积分变换QOG汉语字典

Integral Transforms & Dynamic Engineering积分变换与动力工程QOG汉语字典

ADIT (Analog-Digital Integrating Translator)模拟-数字积分变换QOG汉语字典

Integral Transformation & Mathematical Equations积分变换及数理方程QOG汉语字典

A Discussion of the Application of Intearal Transform;积分变换法解微积分方程、方程组及求实积分QOG汉语字典

Applications of Integral Transforms to Busemann-Petty-type Problems;积分变换在Busemann-Petty型问题中的应用研究QOG汉语字典

Intelligent Integral Transformation Based on MATLAB Web;基于MATLAB Web的智能积分变换QOG汉语字典

Preliminary Study on Teaching Reform in the Course of Complex Function and Integral Transform for Students of Engineering;工科复变函数与积分变换课程教学改革初探QOG汉语字典

The Reform and Investigation About Teaching Contents of Complex Function and Integral Transformation;复变函数与积分变换课程教学内容改革探索QOG汉语字典

A Educational Research Method and Reform on the Courseof Functions of Complex Variable and Integral Transforms;复变函数与积分变换课堂教学方法改革研究QOG汉语字典

Implications of Constructivism to the Teaching of Complex Variables and Integral Commutation;建构主义对复变函数与积分变换教学的启示QOG汉语字典

Educational Research and Reform on the Course of Functions of Complex Variable and Integral Transform;复变函数与积分变换课堂教学改革的探讨QOG汉语字典

Bilingual Teaching in Complex Functions and Integral Transforms复变函数与积分变换双语教学的探导与实践QOG汉语字典

The Reform and Investigation about the Teaching Pattern of Complex Function and Integral Transformation复变函数与积分变换教学模式改革与探索QOG汉语字典

Research and Practice on Teaching Reform of Functions of Complex Function and Integral Transformations复变函数与积分变换教学改革研究与实践QOG汉语字典

Analytical Solution of Clamped Rectangular Thick Plate by Finite Integral Transform Method四边固支矩形厚板分析的有限积分变换QOG汉语字典

Some Numerical Integration Formulae for Laplace Transform拉普拉斯变换式的几种数值积分公式QOG汉语字典

Expression of Riemann Integal on C_0 Under Affine Transformation;Riemann积分在仿射变换下的表示式QOG汉语字典