汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供[顶]点覆盖的英文是vertex cover,vertex cover的意思,vertex cover是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询vertex cover缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考
By using the vertex cover algorithm in graph theory and network analysing techniques in GPS, the paper explores method in determining critical road network junctions for the optimum location of non-intrusive sensors for real-time traffic monitoring and data collection.本文利用图论中的[顶]点覆盖算法和GIS中的网络分析技术,对非嵌入式传感器在路网中的最优定位问题,即关键路口点的选择问题进行了探讨。Con汉语字典
The fault coverage problem for reconfigurable arrays has received as constraint bipartite vertex cover problem, which is proved as a NP-complete.对超大规模集成电路芯片 (VLSI)的缺陷修复可归结为受二分图约束的[顶]点覆盖问题 ,该问题属于NP完全问题 。Con汉语字典
The algorithm of this paper solved vertex cover problem from another point of view.最优[顶]点覆盖问题是6个基本的NP完全问题之一,无法在多项式时间内得到最优解,除非P=NP。Con汉语字典
A VC algorithm to obtain the vertex covering of a graph is presented.提出求一个图的[顶]点覆盖的 VC算法 ,定义图的 VC表示式及其全闭链的概念。Con汉语字典
This paper mainly studies two variants of the vertex covering problem.本文主要研究了[顶]点覆盖问题的两个变体问题:一个是连接的[顶]点覆盖问题,二是含权的树型[顶]点覆盖问题。Con汉语字典
Considering the equation of flow conservation, the problem of efficient monitoring is regarded as the problem of finding out the minimum weak vertex cover set and the minimum weak vertex cover set based on flow partition for a given graph G(V,E) which are all proved NP-Complete.考虑网络节点的流守恒特性,网络流量的有效监测问题可抽象为求给定图G(V,E)的最小弱[顶]点覆盖集的问题和基于流划分的最小弱[顶]点覆盖集的问题,这是NP难的问题。Con汉语字典
A distributed algorithm for finding the weak vertex cover of a graph is presented in this paper,which can be used for monitor-nodes selection in net traffic measurement.提出了一种分布式求解弱[顶]点覆盖集的近似算法,用于网络流量有效测量点的选择。Con汉语字典
In this paper, the problem of efficient monitoring for the network flow is regarded as the problem to find out the minimum weak vertex cover set for a given graph G=(V,E).把网络流量的有效测量问题抽象为求给定图G=(V,E)的最小弱[顶]点覆盖集的问题。Con汉语字典
An approximate algorithm for minimum vertex cover set of a graph;求图的最小[顶]点覆盖集的一个近似算法Con汉语字典
This paper presents the modeling process of the key covering problem(KCP) in the group rekeying and the transformations between the KCP and the vertex covering problem(VCP) in the graph theory.本文给出了密钥覆盖问题模型的建立过程,首次给出密钥覆盖问题(KCP)与[顶]点覆盖问题(VCP)的相互变换。Con汉语字典
Hybrid genetic algorithm for vertex cover problem;一种求解[顶]点覆盖问题的混合遗传算法Con汉语字典
DNA algorithm for minimum vertex cover problem based on molecular computation;最小[顶]点覆盖问题的DNA分子算法Con汉语字典
This paper presents a DNA algorithm for the minimum vertex cover problem which is based on satisfiable solution space.论文给出了基于可满足解空间的最小[顶]点覆盖问题的DNA算法,该算法直接生成可满足解空间,无须在全体解空间中进行各种过滤过程。Con汉语字典
A new approximate method is presented for max-vertex-cover problem,and its performance guarantee is analyzed.给出了求解最大[顶]点覆盖问题的一种近似算法,讨论了它的性能保证,利用P ipage技术,为最大[顶]点覆盖问题设计出了0。