
ccr algebra

ccr algebra



1)ccr algebra,ccr代数2)data envelopment analysis CCR Model,数据包络分析CCR模型3)C_(Am)/Ccr,CAm/Ccr4)CCR model,CCR模型5)CCR technology,CCR技术6)CCR set,CCR机组

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Objective To disscuss the clinical meanings of the rate of α-amylasy clearance and endogenous creatinine cleamnce(C_(Am)/Ccr)to the function of pancreas.目的:探讨淀粉酶清除率与肌酐清除率的比值(CAm/Ccr)的测定对测试胰腺功能的临床意义。ctl汉语字典

The Constructing and Ranking of Interval Efficiency of DMUs in CCR Model;CCR模型中决策单元的区间效率值及其排序ctl汉语字典

Environmental performance management system for enterprises in industrial parks based on CCR model基于CCR模型的工业园区企业环境绩效管理系统ctl汉语字典

The first stage, which is a CCR model, can be used to identify efficient candidates of a new supply chain and remove non-efficient candidates by means of filtering techniques and linear programming calculation.第一阶段,采用CCR模型,采用过滤技术和线性规划计算,从而识别组成新供应链的有效候选者和剔除无效候选者;第二阶段,采用多目标决策模型,选择供应链业务流程的有效组合。ctl汉语字典

The pass reformation of CCR set in High-Speed Wire Plant of Xing Steel is introduced, the superiorities of the set after the reformation in pass optimization, rolling speed, work life of roll are discussed, the good result got.介绍了CCR机组孔型在邢钢高线厂的改造分析,从孔型优化、轧制速度、轧辊寿命等方面探讨了CCR机组孔型改造后使用的优势,取得了良好的效果。ctl汉语字典

The application of hard alloy composite roll in CCR set of High-Speed Wire Plant of Xing Steel is introduced.介绍了硬质合组合轧辊在邢钢高线CCR机组的应用,从轧辊寿命、产品精度等方面探讨了硬质合组合轧辊在高速线材轧机预精轧机组使用的优势。ctl汉语字典

A Study on CCR Model of Non-radial Centralized Resource Allocation非径向中心资源配置CCR模型研究ctl汉语字典

The Constructing and Ranking of Interval Efficiency of DMUs in CCR Model;CCR模型中决策单元的区间效率值及其排序ctl汉语字典

Environmental performance management system for enterprises in industrial parks based on CCR model基于CCR模型的工业园区企业环境绩效管理系统ctl汉语字典


Cloning and Phylogenetic Analysis of CCR Gene of Angophora spp.杯果木CCR基因克隆和同源进化分析ctl汉语字典

Investigating Technology Efficiency of Trade Ports in Korea Based on SUP-CCR-DEA基于超效率CCR-DEA的韩国贸易港口技术效率研究ctl汉语字典

The Problems and Transformation about Cyclic Cooling Water System of CCRCCR装置循环冷却水系统存在的问题及改造ctl汉语字典

Being, serving as, or used as a model.模型的模型的,作为模型的,用作模型的ctl汉语字典

CCR: Short for Complementary Colour Removal. A method of archromatic separations by Hell Company.CCR:是英文字义“除去补色”的简称。是“海尔”公司所用的一种消色分色法。ctl汉语字典

Molecular Cloning and Variation Analysis of CCR Gene in Spotted Gums and Its Relatives;斑皮桉及其近缘树种CCR基因分子克隆及变异分析ctl汉语字典

Cloning and Functional Analysis of Cinnamoyl-CoA Reductase (CCR) Gene from Triticum Aestivum L.cv. H4564;小麦肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶(CCR)基因的分离和功能分析ctl汉语字典

Investigating Cost Efficiency of China Port Public Companies Based on SUP-CCR-DEA;基于超效率CCR-DEA的中国港口上市公司成本效率评价研究ctl汉语字典

The Optimization of CCR PCR Conditions,the New Discovery and Analysis of Multi-copy Gene in the Genus Corymbia;伞房属CCR基因PCR优化体系建立及多拷贝的发现和分析ctl汉语字典

Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Cinnamoyl-CoA Reductase Gene (CCR) of Pinus massoniana马尾松肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶基因(CCR)克隆及分析(英文)ctl汉语字典

The sequence analysis and protein structure prediction of lignin biosynthesis CCR gene in poplar杨树木质素合成酶CCR基因的序列分析及蛋白结构预测ctl汉语字典

Implementation Model versus Mental Model实现模型与心理模型ctl汉语字典

Implementation Models and Mental Models实现模型和心理模型ctl汉语字典

To make or construct a model of.做模型做或建造…的模型ctl汉语字典