

1)BIC,BIC准则2)BIC criterion,BIC准则3)global optimal clustering,仿BIC准则4)Bayesian Information Criterions,贝叶斯信息准则(BIC)5)BIC rule,BIC法则6)standard,准则



On design standards of flood control in hydropower stations;水电站防洪设计几个准则的商榷0Ui汉语字典

Think of Debt Recomposed Standard;关于债务重组准则的几点思考0Ui汉语字典

They are Quality Maxim, Quantity Maxim, Relevance Maxim, and Manner Maxim.包括了质量准则、数量准则、关系准则、方式准则0Ui汉语字典

On the Maxims of Tact and Generosity of the Politeness Principle;论礼貌原则中的策略准则和慷慨准则0Ui汉语字典

Principle and Maxims of the Art of War战争艺术的原则与准则0Ui汉语字典

Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines [HKPSG]香港规划标准与准则0Ui汉语字典

International Animal Health Code国际动物健康准则(动物健康准则)0Ui汉语字典

Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (Guidelines of Riyadh)预防少年犯罪准则(利雅得准则)0Ui汉语字典

United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (Guidelines of Riyadh)联合国预防少年犯罪准则(利雅得准则)0Ui汉语字典

Inverse probability criterion反概率准则(后验概率准则)0Ui汉语字典

Research on Portfolio Selection with Probability Criterion and Fuzzy Criterion概率准则及模糊准则下投资组合研究0Ui汉语字典

Research on New Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards Comparison;新会计准则与国际会计准则比较研究0Ui汉语字典

Thinking about Discussing International Accounting Standards according to New Accounting Standards;从新会计准则看我国会计准则国际化0Ui汉语字典

based on or prescribing a norm or standard.以标准为基础或指定一个准则或标准。0Ui汉语字典

Comparison between international accounting principle and enterprise accounting principle;国际会计准则与企业会计准则的比较——租赁准则的比较分析0Ui汉语字典

Griffith criterion of brittle格里菲斯脆性破坏准则0Ui汉语字典

nuclear reactor safety criteria核反应堆安全性准则0Ui汉语字典

conforming with accepted standards.遵循被认可的准则的。0Ui汉语字典

computer system requirements criterion计算机系统要求准则0Ui汉语字典

budget guideline ratio财政预算案准则比率0Ui汉语字典