汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供2阶反变张量的英文是contravariant tensor of the second order,contravariant tensor of the second order的意思,contravariant tensor of the second order是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询contravariant tensor of the second order缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考
Based on the conception of velocity of rotation around a fixed point of rigid body, this paper rigidly proves that angular velocity is second-order anti-symmetrical tensor, and velocity vector is vector product of angular velocity and position vector.从刚体定点转动的速度概念出发 ,利用张量变换的性质严格地证明了瞬时角速度矢量是二阶反对称张量 ,而速度恰是角速度矢量与位矢的矢积 。PKY汉语字典